logo in svg
background image

85 mm {3-11/32 inches}
(85.7 mm {3-3/8 inches})


25.4 mm 



1 inch}


85 mm 
{3-11/32 inches}
(85.7 mm 
{3-3/8 inches})

138 mm 
{5-7/16 inches}


25.4 mm 



1 inch}


138 mm 
{5-7/16 inches}

83.5 mm
{3-9/32 inches}

46 mm
{1-13/16 inches}


25.4 mm 



1 inch}


63 mm
{2-15/32 inches}


25.4 mm 



1 inch}


63 mm
{2-15/32 inches}

83.5 mm
{3-9/32 inches}


25.4 mm 



1 inch}


108.5 mm
{4-9/32 inches}

70 mm
{2-3/4 inches}


25.4 mm 



1 inch}


Position A

Position D

Position B

Position C

Position E

Position F

Attachment plate (accessory)

Fixing screws for attachment plate: x4 (M4, locally procured)

Two-gang junction box

46 mm {1-13/16 inches}

83.5 mm {3-9/32 inches}


Step2 Fixing the brackets

Step1 Preparations

The installation tasks are explained using 4 steps.

There are 4 methods to install the camera to a ceiling or wall as described below. Prepare the 
required parts for each installation method before starting the installation. The following are the 
requirements for the various installation methods.

Installation method



Minimum pull-out 

strength (per 1 pc.)

[1] Mount the camera on the two-gang junction 

box using the attachment plate.

 M4 screws x 4

196 N {44 lbf}

[2] Directly mount the camera onto the ceiling or 

wall using the attachment plate (when wiring 
can be installed in the ceiling or wall).

 M4 screws x 4

196 N {44 lbf}

[3] Mount the camera onto the ceiling or wall using 

the base bracket (when conduits are used for 
wiring, or when there is no space available for 
wiring in the ceiling or the wall).*


 M4 screws x 4

196 N {44 lbf}

[4] Mount the camera embedded to a ceiling using 

the WV-Q169A (ceiling mount bracket: approx. 

{1.55 lb}).*




There is suf



strength in the ceiling

*1  Use 4 screws (M4 × 8 mm, accessory) to 


 x the attachment plate to the base bracket or 


*2  For information on how to mount the camera embedded to a ceiling using WV-Q169A, refer 

to the Instruction Manual provided with the WV-Q169A (ceiling mount bracket).


Procure 4 screws (M4) to secure the attachment plate (accessory) or base bracket 


(accessory) to a ceiling or a wall.
The minimum required pull-out capacity of a single screw or anchor bolt is 196 N 


{44 lbf} or more when mounting with the installation method [1] to [3] above.
When mounting the camera on a concrete ceiling, use an AY plug bolt (M4) for 


securing. (Recommended tightening torque: 1.6 N·m {1.18 lbf·ft})
Select screws according to the material of the ceiling 


or wall that the camera will be 

mounted to. In this case, wood screws and nails should not be used.
If a ceiling board such as plaster board is too weak to support the total weight, the 


area shall be sufficiently reinforced.

[1] Using a two-gang junction box

[2] Directly mount the camera to the ceiling or wall using the attachment plate

[3] Mount the camera to a ceiling or a wall using base bracket

< When using the conduit on the ceiling 

or wall for wiring>

The base bracket can be fixed in any of the following 6 screwing positions 
according to ceiling and wall conditions. Match the hole used when 
installing the camera to any of positions A to F.

<Mounting the base bracket>


 Remove the cap for the female thread for 
the conduit by using a hexagon wrench 
(ISO 2936, width across flats S=5 mm 
{3/16 inches}).


 Mount the attachment plate and 
the base bracket.

Attachment plate (accessory)

Fixing screws for attach-
ment plate: x4 (M4, locally 

ø25.4 mm


{1 inch}

ø73 mm


{2-7/8 inches}

*5 The wiring hole diameter is 25.4 mm {1 inch}. Select any of the 2 base bracket fixture holes of 

template B when installing the base bracket. After mounting the attachment plate, the mounting 

direction of the camera can be adjusted in 90° increments.

*6 When attaching the base bracket to a one-gang junction box in Position E, secure the base bracket 

with 2 screws (M4, 

locally procured



If open wiring is conducted, be sure to use conduits and run the cables inside 


the tubes to protect the cables from direct sunlight.
Installation work shall be such that there is no exposure to water into the 


architecture through the conduits having been joined.


Make sure all items are prepared 
before beginning installation.


Mount the brackets to a ceiling or 


Connect cables, and then attach the 
camera to the mount bracket.


Adjust the angle of view and focus, 
and then mount the enclosure.


Cap for the female 
thread for the con-

Base bracket (accessory)

Fixing screws (M4x4, locally 

Minimum pull-out
strength: 196 N {44.06 lbf} 
(per 1 pc.) 

Fixing screws for attachment 
plate: x4 (accessory)

(Recommended tightening 
torque: 0.78 N·m {0.58 lbf·ft})

Attachment plate 


  If the mounting direction of the camera has already been determined

Align the FRONT direction (the direction of FRONT  marker on the camera that indicates the 
installation direction when installing the camera) of 


 template A with the desired direction, and 

drill through a 25.4 mm {1 inch} diameter hole.


  If the mounting direction of the camera is not determined yet or if you want to change 

the direction of the camera after it has been installed

If you want to be able to change the direction of the camera, drill through a 73 mm {2-7/8 inches} 

diameter hole in the center. By doing so you can adjust the mounting direction of the camera in 

90° increments.

Step3 Mount the camera to the attachment plate

Step4 Adjustment


 Check the position of attachment 
mounting screws on the rear side 
of the camera.


 Connect cables to the camera according to 
the instructions in “Making connections”, and 
mount the camera by inserting the attachment 
mounting screws into the holes of the attach-
ment plates.


Loosen the enclosure 


 xing screws.


 Remove the enclosure from the camera, 
and secure the camera using camera 


 xing screws.


After cables have been connected to the camera, align the OPEN mark of the enclosure 


side panel with the protruding part of base bracket, insert 2 attachment mounting screws 
into the attachment plate, and rotate the camera approximately 15°. The LOCK mark is 
moved to the protruding part of base bracket and the camera is temporarily secured. 
(When directly attaching the attachment plate to a ceiling or wall, align the OPEN mark to 
the tab position of the attachment plate.) 
*The fixing angle of the camera can be rotated in 90° increments



Loosen 4 enclosure fixing screws 


using the bit (accessory).


Be sure to tighten the camera fixing 


screw. Failure to observe this may 
cause camera trouble due to camera 
falling. (Recommended tightening 
torque: 0.78 N·m {0.58 lbf·ft})


 Turn on power for the camera by either 

connecting a LAN cable or a 12 V DC 

power cable, and then remove the protec-



 lm from the camera lens.


 Connect the MONITOR OUT conversion 

plug (accessory) to the MONITOR OUT 

terminal of the camera, and then connect 

the monitor for adjustment with a RCA pin 

cable (locally procured).

The camera is set to be connected to the 


NTSC monitor for adjustment at factory 


To remove the SD memory card, hold down the SD ON/OFF 


button for about 2 seconds. When the flashing SD MOUNT 
indicator goes out, you can remove the SD memory card.
After the SD memory card has been replaced, press the 


SD ON/OFF button, and make sure the SD MOUNT 
indicator is continually lit. (If you replace both SD memory 
cards, press the SD ON/OFF button after replacing the 
If you do not press the SD ON/OFF button after replacing 


the SD memory card, the SD MOUNT indicator is 
continually lit approximately 5 minutes later.

When adjusting the viewing angle, make sure not to touch 


the light-blocking rubber ring or IR LED cover. Fingerprints 
or dirt can reduce the quality of viewed images.


After adjusting the angle of view, tighten the cross 


slot tilting lock screw.
(Recommended tightening torque: 0.59 N·m {0.44 lbf·ft})


 Adjust the angle of the camera with the 
tilt table, pan table, and azimuth adjust-
ment ring, and then adjust the viewing 
angle by pressing the WIDE or TELE 
buttons, and tighten the cross slot tilting 
lock screw 



Horizontal position (Panning): 



Vertical position (Tilting): 0° to 85°
Image tilt adjustment: 
-45°(Left) to +300°(Right)


 Insert an SD memory card into the slot, 
if necessary.


 Disconnect the monitor for adjustment 
after adjusting the focus by pressing the 
AF button.


  Attach the enclosure.

(Align the 

 mark on the camera body 

with the LOCK line on the enclosure 
and then mount the enclosure to the 
camera body at a straight angle.) 


 MONITOR OUT conversion plug 



When the screen size is adjusted using the WIDE 


button or TELE button, the camera’s focus is 

automatically adjusted with the basic focus adjustment function each time the WIDE button or 
TELE button is pressed.
Depending on the vertical position (tilting) range or the optical zoom, it must be noted that the 


shadow of the enclosure may be projected.
When adjusting the viewing angle for cameras mounted to ceilings, the enclosure and installation 


auxiliary wire may be displayed on the screen depending on the direction the camera is facing.
Move the enclosure and installation auxiliary wire so that they are not displayed on the screen.
When mounting the camera on a ceiling, adjust the tilt angle so that the TOP mark above the lens 


always comes to the top side.
When the camera is installed to a wall, the image is reversed in the default settings. To correct the 


way the image is displayed, rotate the azimuth adjustment ring 180° clockwise, or select “On” for 
“Upside-down” from the setup menu. For information about performing the “Upside-down” setting 
from the setup menu, refer to the Operating Instructions (included in the CD-ROM).
Remove the camera using the reverse order of the installation procedures.



Securely tighten all the fixing screws (x4) of enclosure. Otherwise, camera dropping may 


result in injury. (Recommended tightening torque: 0.78 N·m {0.58 lbf·ft})
Defocus may be caused by the reinstalled enclosure. In this case, perform the auto focus 


function from the setup menu. 
Remove the cover film from the dome cover.


Approx. 15°


Camera fixing screw

Attachment mounting screws


Disconnect the 12 V DC power source and PoE power source to prevent power from being 


supplied during mounting work. 
Enclosure is fixed at the installation auxiliary wire to the camera body, please do not 


remove the installed auxiliary wire.
For installations on the wall, to prevent water from accumulating on the surface of the 


dehumidifying device, install the camera so that the dehumidifying device does not face up. 
If water accumulates on the surface of the dehumidifying device, it cannot function properly.

< When drilling a hole through the 

ceiling or wall for wiring>

The female thread for conduit is compliant 


with ANSI NPSM (parallel pipe threads) 3/4 
or ISO 228-1 (parallel pipe threads) G3/4.



After installing the camera, refer to “Configure the settings of the camera (leaflet)” and 
perform the camera settings.

Tab position 

of the attach-

ment plate 



Protruding part (x4)

Insert the SD memory card with its label 


facing down.
Refer to the Operating Instructions on the 


provided CD-ROM for further information 
about the  SD memory card settings.

46 mm

{1-13/16 inches}

83.5 mm

{3-9/32 inches}


PAL switch

WIDE button

AF button

SD1, SD2

TELE button

Direction marker 
for installation 

Tilting lock screw

Installation auxiliary 

The enclosure is 
rotated and the 
camera is tem-
porarily secured.
