Edit the administrator information [Administrator setup]
The administrator information relating to the password and default screen, etc. can be registered on this tab.
[Administrator name]
Enter the administrator name using the on-screen
keyboard (
Installation Guide Page 8). The adminis-
trator name must be between 1-32 characters includ-
ing the half-width alphanumeric and the symbol.
Enter the administrator password using the on-screen
keyboard (
Installation Guide Page 8). The pass-
word must be between 8-32 characters including the
half-width alphanumeric and the symbol. Use at least
two types of characters among alphabet, numbers and
The registered password will be displayed as "*****"
regardless of what is entered.
• For enhanced security, change the password on a
regular basis.
[Password (Retype)]
Enter the password that has been set for "Password"
again for confirmation.
Display the operation level of an administrator. It is
impossible to change the setting value for an administra-
tor. "Administrator" has been set for the administrator.
[Default screen]
Select a startup screen to be displayed after login.
[Edit] button
Register the edited administrator information.
[Setup via recorder's main monitor]