12.19 Boiler Bivalent Control
Boiler is an additional or alternative heat source to heat up the room when necessary.
Purpose of this control is to turn ON and turn OFF the Boiler output signal when boiler heating capacity
needed in the system.
Boiler is possible to connect to DHW Tank and Buffer Tank depends on the installer.
Boiler operation parameter need to be set on Boiler itself, indoor do not control the boiler operation direction
and operation.
There are Alternative mode, Parallel mode, & Advance Parallel mode available to select by installer to fit to
the total system.
Bivalent control selection by remote controller
Remote control setting value:
1) Outdoor Ambient Set = (Range: -15°C ~ 15°C)
a) Alternative Mode
Only one heat source operates at one time, either heat pump or boiler depends on condition.
Control detail:
During Operation ON at Heat mode or Tank mode or Heat + Tank Mode
Boiler signal turn ON and heat pump and water pump turn OFF when:
a. Outdoor ambient < Outdoor Ambient Set
b. Boiler prohibit flag = 0
** However indoor water pump can operate when Anti-freeze control condition fulfilled.
Boiler signal turn OFF and heat pump and water pump turn ON when:
a. Outdoor ambient > Outdoor Ambient Set + [2°C]
b. Boiler prohibit flag = 1
b) Parallel Mode
Parallel mode allows heat pump and boiler ON at the same time. Boiler operates as an additional heating
capacity when low heat pump capacity at low ambient condition.
Control detail:
During operation ON at Heat mode or Tank mode or Heat + Tank mode
Boiler signal turns ON when:
a. Outdoor ambient < Outdoor Ambient Set
b. Boiler prohibit flag = 0
Boiler signal turns OFF when:
a. Outdoor ambient > Outdoor Ambient Set + [2°C]
b. Boiler prohibit flag = 1
c) Advance Parallel Mode
Advance parallel mode allow heat pump to operate and turn ON boiler only when ambient and temperature
condition is fulfilled.
Remote control setting value:
1) Outdoor Ambient Set = (Range : -15°C ~ 15°C)
2) Selection of boiler connection direction. (Heat only, DHW only, Heat & DHW)
3) Setting data under Heat Direction
a. Start Temperature
b. Start Delay Timer
c. Stop Temperature
d. Stop Delay Timer
4) Setting data under DHW Direction
a. Delay Timer