Subject Gender
In Italian, nouns, adjectives, and articles have gender, so the translation may vary depending on
whether the speaker is male or female.
For example, translating “I am tall.” could result in either of the following sentences.
Male: Sono alto.
Female: Sono alta.
Specify your preference for translating the English word “you.” The English word “you” can be
translated in Italian as “tu” (casual), “voi” (casual-plural), “Lei” (formal), or “Loro” (formal-plural).
For example, translating “You went for dinner.” could result in any of the following sentences.
Casual: Tu andasti per cena.
Casual-plural: Voi andaste per cena.
Formal: Lei andò per cena.
Formal-plural: Loro andarono per cena.
Specify your preference for translating third-person pronouns.
Direct: Translate third-person pronouns in Italian as the second-person pronoun (“you”) in English.
Indirect: Translate third-person pronouns in Italian as third-person pronouns in English.
For example, translating “Io le spedii una lettera” could result in either of the following sentences.
Direct: I sent you a letter.
Indirect: I sent her a letter.