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Содержание SR-G18FG

Страница 1: ...tructions compldelr tI ta J lFsqf tf rFr8 t0 Ef 11 12 f fr 1 13 Hfriti 14 filt i 4 sFG10FG SR C18FG 15 tn El F18 r6 F iE118 r7 fl ffi 17 hlFEritfi tt i r fr mi r il et oJd4 4 ts 4 a 19 20 3 8 21 A l H 22 4C 4 E sgsR c10F0i sR418F0 23 8 24 6 r q 25 4l l 2s e 4 g l 471dq 4 9 Bg s JqH l7lul qEi Mis6engarde imp0r an s 26 Prdcauti0ns 27 28 ldentilication d6 0idcs 29 Comment eflslus lacuisson 30 Commenl...

Страница 2: ...ustbeusedwhenmoving anappliance containing hotoilorother hotliquids 12 Always attach plugtoappliance first thenplugcordintothewall outlet Todisconnect turnanycontrol to off lhenremove plug fromwalloutlet ll it stilldoes not fit contacta qualifiedelectrician Do not attemptto defeatthis safetyfeature 13 Do notuse appliance for otherthanintended use 14 SAVT TNESE INSTRUCTIONS Thisoroduct isintended f...

Страница 3: ...ttomof the pan andthe castheatercleananddry Anytoreignmetterfoundshouldbe removed immediately Avoidexposing the ricecooker to wateror placingthe ricecooker nearwatersupply The ricecookershouldnotbe covered withclothor anyobjectwhilein use i i uaJ e t l tF r 7 ti 4e qi iL The ricecookershouldnotbe placedon uneven surface Do nol usethe pandirectly on an openflame __ _ 3 ...

Страница 4: is damaged Consultyournearestaulhorized service facilityfor repairthe cordof plug Ensurethatthe plugfirsallthe way Into the walloutlet e Preventantsor insectsgettingin the ricecooKer as theymaycausethe ricecookerlo malfunctlon Do notsubstitute the panwithothercontainer as it willcause the ricecookerto malfunction Onlvthe panincluded withthe ricecookershouldbe used Do not leavethe lidoverturned ...

Страница 5: ...g WARM Lid Model SR G06FG PowerCord CAUTIoN Toprevent fire orelectric shock discontinue use immedialely iflheporver cord isdamaged Take appliance toaservice center forcord reDlacemenl 5 Accessories 4 l I lvleasuring Cup Approximately 180ml i Scoop ...

Страница 6: ...start immediately Whenthe riceis cooked the switchwillmoveup to the keepwatm andthe ligjtindicating WARIVI willbe on insead Thisshowsthat thewarming function isworking Afterthe switchmovesup leavethe lid for at leastl5 minutesto fullysteamthe nce Scoopandmixthe ricewell I Adjustthe quantity of waterto yourpersonal lasle I Soakricein waterat leastfor 30 minutes I Wipethe surfaceof the Pan beforeuse...

Страница 7: ... pan beforeuse lf it is wet it may causenoisewhilesteaming Anyforeignmatterbetween the panandcastheatermay damagethe unil lf the lidis notsecurely closed steaming willbe affected Do notopenthe lidwhenin use Do nol plugin untilyou are readyto steam lf the panis not inthe unit steaming willnotbegin Whenthe foodis cooked the steaming can be canceled by unplugging the unit The warmingtunction continue...

Страница 8: ... z 4 i Measuring Cup Alwayswashwith i r t i i j i t_ Scoon Steaming Baskel dishwashing liquidandspongeatteruse ...

Страница 9: ...ot lluiied m xed ltr9l ggolinS KeepWarmrsusedfor ongerlhan 5 hrsor amount or LFbe glppt ar1 s IOO Snal Foreignmattersleft in p3f 9u iT K elwafm R ce being keptwarm was at room temperature o corde o cold r ce addedtowarn rce Lrd s rol securply closed Panildc o clpar or odorsfron previous cookiig renail r par po e co dtrd Jap ggedor theswilcn was turled otl d i19 coo rn9 Model SR G FFG SR GIOFG SR G...

Страница 10: ...ttl ft rc tAh ii Efr finffi ii H li fr Ir1 W fr 11 9 ilfr 4 tH tn tr ft r El44 9 l g 12 1 ft lr lfr 8 1 W1 ifr fr JfirS f L1 H fr t jttl fl t fifr 13 tfrhN 16 H 6J 1 lA 1 4 iH i8 il r f ff F rrlR E T P F F 1 VELltH iH A r 4 _t t fu t E d lii lrq liltfult t if F ti tEh F v B fr Hk rli4 t t t ltftl l j6 i 4 C EFF n ft t v l K t 4rt 1 tu 1tKtu ffi q a T 4 b1 tk 2 tl f dli tU 1tk n ft f H b r af fr WH...

Страница 11: ... i i4 4 rr Ft ri t Fl1 li lr tiIl 4 tx tl n 5 t 6 6 jg5 f 4 rr f fr1h F t 4 wt ltlq Fr b E ft tu ifrt 4r rtr 4 t it t t E t J Ri l F_ fi F f fr t p tu F Hfi e ffi 4 fr Hli c 1 r 1 _ iehtP ft Ifr 8 6 t r T r d t ifr4 P ft Hl i E k E L 11 ...

Страница 12: ...Eit tt tE r ii f r t n R 4 i rqI tt i lt r9 F t v l rst ir tf ie 6 4 t f frl t 1 ii bilfi 8 i 11 j w j l 1 llrt il ll 1 z I i E l ii ri r ifq41 n 45 fi 1i I l ii A H dtle fi t tt 11 4 t i lr iFr t B it Hlh t t 4tt fi F i rlt Flt A t t rc il i6 tt 1 1ifrL E rj I tF 4 t Lh b I ri rT tlg E 4 T F il an r il 7 tf 1fr4 t ftlP r i1tI it d t fii ifij1i 12 ...

Страница 13: ... lri E fFzrtT r 9 E rt lzsrE HzrtT tFJ frx Hvi Ed lR7 ts Btl t t l 1 8 0 13 ...

Страница 14: ...At lt i 4 1 8 i4i f Rrs Et fl i h E i t lL 14 6IitlttJFriii t fi E 1 E L t F t Ft Ftr 1 z l ifi 1y l4t ta I t4i6 t n r 1AAlfrrl 6l t 1 Fl r i fiit R I t rt r fr F ifr1 T tb F 11 1l r SR G06FG t 4 f f r iir tt F AZ P H fi iB f ryie d r itrfitl ii l4 11 f trlt flJiiff E l rt j t tt d F 1n qq t liiSnur 1 6 I I a t F 6 r i i y l L i tr a LF i tt i fi frlt iL tLr t ltrft k 1r lX ft r hl t 1 Bt 15 friaa...

Страница 15: ...P if E l i n f f f n t i i R i i t i t 1 ig _it bt it iqti iuo L tt f jt 1i t kfr Hfr Ftfr Fi 6Xfirt s f ji tj l iFr iES1 Hrt rl f h t rt t if F ifr1 T X 1 3 F fr 1t fijf r L1lil jdr 1 rl lE i tl h2 1 tLtLl Jt 1fi t I frH Etr fr ilt iF kt rr 8 Fir 1 t 1l fi z 1 l a_ 2 t l i l r I I ftlr ti6 Hts 1i1 frffi b MXF ft ffi AdiW4br H tfr l t t A i F q1 j itr r1r qr H ft61ill 1 j1 r 16 1 iita r l 1 15 ...

Страница 16: ...E j lF Ft E E n rn t E ffi 4 iE fl ftjE NZ t l i 16 ...

Страница 17: ...r w dF t t ll t I o o a a ItgKl rll r I I a a a rir9 tf1 ll t llSl 3Z i i fi5 fi a a a o o o il illEELtAli O o o a o t lhts n i EH S o O a if 5 J r1 il1 l i iH lChgr4 t a o o Bh Jili l iri l lxihl o ilS i ili ti ttf l L ii l 1fi ti ifi o l f i 9 fr 5 a a r l il in I in t rl riEhrt i iStlIfiJfi8 Rr F o o a Elilt jfi lgI 4ltEBiiffl a O ffi 8R GO6FG E 120V 60 Hz trE ffi 3 1 0 W 450W 650W flil 44W 4 5...

Страница 18: ...zl ulil lg 11 f 4f 7lii Il r qnl5 J 3 7 d4l 9 S l ul lli e171 J9 6JLl E 12 Jt E el rE 1a1 4l ql s1zJ oJa 6lll l F oll i1 i 1 ol t 19_ 1lg 3 5 utlgli t a3 trr l r1zl Hl qi l l 5zl r ir 1llF ql l xulli l zl uleiulr f 13 7 dill F 9l Fllrrl olel9l l l 3 6lzl lil l 14 4 9 Bg 4xlal d ls p 4l e zlCql lel s il a9fl Llrl NOTE 7J 1 71 9614Ll ql J4 gcsl 9j6J3 ol zl 9ldllA Le dtl 7 It J illE 71 4l El i Ll tl ...

Страница 19: ... rotl l 1 Iol ll 1 drrl g el el llrBIE iol 6Jt Xedlrr_ 3i J 5 31 l li d 1 9 ol ui ol ol t lol Hl 1 l I goi I 4lZ l oJ iJ 1 q drl rg Eql J11 614 i Lril oll zl El l l TlTl J 3 l 1 iol Ll ilg9l ll 94ts21 ld 19 t q 1 i t _ i 7 r d7l I tC d ioll r 7 t8nlt 19 l 1 tEiq l 19 1l1l 6 zl ld 19 19 ...

Страница 20: ... el J l a i llxl 4 ll J r 1411 l l El ll lq r ll ir 3r il3 l l l ol 6q i l e llrla tlElql b d 1 rlt7I tlE ll lzlul qq7ls lal tr rl oJatol d 19 zn t F l ia t1 d l l oJqlzllElLl pl ll 7t SqzfB 4l 9 7l ol J 5Jfflz oJo_u1 9 1o1 l 19 rl l el 7l J 3 i4el 19 q E rlji 8zl rl 416tzlElil 1 s 1lll El 11 J 11 l 6 il l q Blf Hl l l J i 9 1 i 6r r I T 9 J E lElt l S ol _ qolLt7l el tg i4c i qEl qel ll 9 qi or7 ...

Страница 21: ...4 ol i f 1 s lg H_e s l 4 r gil d el 4rl Ll al fi HJ l617i 16u a l 3 T l e d E J e f3 l Eldl0 d 19 itill l6ll Erll i9 lEl clEle TfrlI Tl l7l BlaJLlLf Sg SR GO6FG 21 i 1Lil Blj Ll I t i B el7 1 rl 180 ml ...

Страница 22: ...y1 l l e ll f ol Plt l 4l JLlr l E irlg lolollol 5rlol J rlrl l 1 t l i i Jii LlLl r i dl slrl l4l J 1 J1l ej _o_ 1 l l ll B l J r i 4l l Llril r l 9 g1l Elil l r l lgi i Bl7l J 4lzlai 1l7l rql lf r l I il 19 l 4 9R Sol l5l i J3LlLl I tl 9 dJi s ll H 1l e o J l l i l a ii iLlrt r rErl SR G06FG qluJ _r9 7l ol 9l Lltl l E l Bg ol tl lq zlE zl d LlLl r H g 7l alTl ll 91 j i l r i i l l l r l L l r l ...

Страница 23: ...zlol oJr d i 1 i zl lli ol i 1 1 r l l iiLlr 4ol oJTlatTll J6J9 lzl e o_E l lql oJdJ 9 i4l TlLlrl I l i c3 6 ojzl Fl i l l I rl 1 l i ul l 5Jdlrfrl d l il ll iJl t r t zl l il 1 9 r 9 ii of4l 1 zl o Jl l i l l l i 9lii LlrI r i l f ij illl L el 5 lr ule e zl 3 liEJ Llrl r ji 7l C71 J el el r Y zlzl zl sJq Ll r l ll l i 4 f i i i eloill l e Bt ql r f l ts o_d l e Jg6lElEJ 5 o l la 1l lql 4 3 1l F o...

Страница 24: ...E I I t I dl l J l jj 1 r L 1HfJ q il l j 7l ll4l ol 61o l f l sf zlri 5iol il l9 24 ...

Страница 25: ...f ry 9 E EA ltlle I jt p a a o o 01 ll _rtLft nNHg O a o Anf 6 Ll lo0l 0r 0 a o a o o o b l e l r e n r G a o o a a a 4a bJ 4r PlqS a a o 5 trJ 0tAiEe dr tLi Eea dJ9 g0 a O a ee 0t e0i oilLJ0tfl a Lil8E S L Ll 3Ee F301 Etg Ll a r q d f r u r i r E i 9 a 40 r 0te trJ6tl Ptg a o 01 336t oJ Lt 0t59 el l o o 4a 1 ritrt r 1dltr i atSl ll E3E I PJ B a o sgg SR 6FG SRG1OFG SB GI8FG a 120V 60 Hz ilt 8 g E...

Страница 26: ... r r UnJ piuOence extr6me doit6treobserv6elorsquevousdepl acez un oJaieifiontenant de I huilechaudeou toutautreliquidebrOlant r z i5 ouisixeioinoro la prisesurI appareil puisbranchez le cordonsur l iG iale F ouroeorancher pliiez toutecommandesur off ouisd6brancher le cordonde la prisemurale f S fu ut rislipasI appareil pourd autiesusagesqueceluiauquelil est destine 1 4 EONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS C...

Страница 27: ...dubacde cuisson etlaplaque propres etsecs Toute substance 6trangdte doitimm6diatement treenlev6e Evitez lecontact ducuiseur derizavec de I eau oudeleplacer d proximit6 d une arriv6e d eau Lecuiseur deriznedoitCtre recouvert ni d unlinge nidequoiquecesoitpendant I utilisation 5 t l _ l ir s L1 3 t l Le cuiseurde rizne doitpasCtrepos6 sur unesurfaceirr6gulidre Ne oas utiliser le bacde cuisson direct...

Страница 28: ...r6paration ducordon oudela fiche Assurez vous quelafiche del appareil s enlonce entidrement danslafiche murale f q lxq E Attention auxfourmisou auxinsectes qul pourralenl p6n6trer dansle cuiseurde rlzet pourraient provoquer un mauvaistonctionnement du cuiseurde riz Neremolacez lebacdecuisson paraucun autre carcelapounait causer unmauvais fonctionnement ducuiseur decontenant riz Seul lebacdecuisson...

Страница 29: ...29 H MISE ENGARDE Atindeprdvenir toutrisque oudechoc6lectrioue cssd l utilisation si lecordon d alimenlation st endommagd Veuille apporter l appareil auncentre deseruice pourromplacemenl ducordon Accessoires Verremesureur environ180ml J Panier vapeur t P r ddl l I SR G1oFCa I SR G18FG I ...

Страница 30: ... dubacde cuissbn avant utrhsation llsepeut qu il fasse dubruit Pendant la cuisson s ilestmouille Lapr6sence dunesubstance 6trangdre entre lebacdecuisson el laplaque chautfante Peut endommager l appareil I La cuissonseraaffect6esi le couvercle n estPasfermement scel16 I N ouvrezpasle coubercle lors de I utilisation I Ne branchez pasI appareil tant quevousn etesPasPrCt Pour la cuisson vousPourriez a...

Страница 31: ...etrangere entrele bacde cuisson la plaquechauffante peut endommager I appareil La cuissonseraaffectee si le couvercle n estpasfermement scell6 N ouvrez pasle couvercle lors de l utrlisation Ne branchezpaslant quevous n 6tespas pr6tpourla cuisson La cuissonne commencera pastantque le bacde cuisson n estpasdansl appareil Unefoislesaliments cuits la cuissonpeutetreinterrompue en d6branchant I apparei...

Страница 32: ...ete I I ne soitcoll6e d lapriseet au cordon L6terimm6diatement I I si c estle cas I I t tepasutiliser de benzene ou de diluant pouressuyer et I I nettover Iecuiseur de nz l H t t z Cuilldre Toujours laveravecdu liquidevaisselle et une6pongeaprdsutilisation 32 ...

Страница 33: ...m6langi aprCs lacuisson a o a L nz a eta maintenu au chaud pendant plus de 5 heures ou a quanlild de iz a ma nlen r au chaud est nsuflsanle a a a Un obJecletanger es1resle dans e panrer pendanl le maintren au chaud o Leriza marntenir auchaud elailb lempdralure ambranle outemp6ralure pluslroide oudurizfrord a 616 aloul6 aurz chaud a a Le couvercle n esl pas terme cotreclemenl o a Le panler n61ail p...

Страница 34: ...nga aceite caliente u otrosliquidos calientes 12 Siempre conecte el enchufe primero al aparato luegoenchufe el cable de cornenteal tomacorriente de la pared Paradesconectar apague cualquier control y luegoquiteel enchufe deltomacorriente de la pareo 13 No useel aparato de manera diferente al usopropuesto 14 GUANOT ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES Esteproductose proponeparael usodom6stico NOTA A Un cablede corr...

Страница 35: ...cerolay el platode calentamiento limpios y secos Cualquier rnaterial extranoencontrado deberdouitarseinmediatamente Eviteexponerla ollaarroceraal aguao no lacoloque cercade unafuente de agua La ollaarrocerano deberdcubrirse contela o cualquier objetomientras esteen uso La ollaarrocerano deber6colocarse sobreunasuperficie queno seallana No usela cacerola directamente sobre unailama 1 g s 19 3 i l l...

Страница 36: ...rvicio autorizado mascercanaparala reparacion delcableo enchufe Aseg0rese queel enchufeencajetotalmente en el tomacorriente de la Pared 1 lf Tengacuidadode lashormigas o insectos que entrenen la ollaarrocera debidoa quepodran causarel malluncionamiento de la misma No sustituya la cacerola conotrorecipiente debldoa que oodracausarel malfuncionamiento de la ollaarrocera Solodeberausarsela cacerolain...

Страница 37: ...Cablede Corriente PRECAUCION Para prevenir el tuego o descarga elstrica interrumpa el uso inmediatamente si el cable de co riente esid dafrado Lleve el aoafato a un centro de reparaciones para la sustitucion del cable 37 Accesorios t Fr i l _ Tazade Medidas Aproximadamente a 180 ml Cucha16n Canastapara Yaporizar ...

Страница 38: ...ufela unidadhastaque ustedestelistoParacocinar Porotraparte el arrozPodra estropearse I Si la cacerolano estaen la unidad la cocci6nno comenzarA I 3610losmodelosSB G06FG no lienen la tunci6nde calentamiento La luzque indica COOK se apagardcuandoel arrozse hayacocinado I La funci6nde calentamiento continuara hastaque la unidad se desenchute Coloquelacacerolaen el cuerpo Asegurese que la cacerola es...

Страница 39: ...mpo NO cocinem6salliide la capacidad siguiente Arrcz lazas 1 0 L 3 1 8L 4 Limpie lasuperlicie delacacerola antes deusarse Siestemojada podra causar ruido mientras se est6vaporizando Cualquier material extrano enlrela cacerola y elplato decalentamiento daflar launidad I Si latapano se cierra firmemente Iavaporizacr6n se aleclaa I No abralatapacuandoest6 en uso I No enchufehastaque usted est6listopa...

Страница 40: ...H T _ Cuchar6n Siemorelavecon un liquidolavaplatos y unaesponjadespu6sde usar 40 ...

Страница 41: ...oenlrecharola v caletactor o o o o o o El atroz crcinado n aceite o o a a a Elaroz noesponjado me lado despuds de r00 a a a Sehamnsewadotiviopormasde 5 horaso lacantidad esmuypequena o a a Algunobjeto rarosequedoen lacharola o El lugar donde s guardo estaba a temperatura normal o trio o tal vez anoz frio lu6 Agregado a La tapa no cerro hemeticamente a a La charola no estaba limpia o aun tenia olor...

Страница 42: ... 42 ...

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Страница 44: ...Panasonic Corporation of NorthAmerica USA http www panasonic com consumersupport CANADA http www Panasonic ca QY00A287 N tAT0504 0 ...
