PAN1760A Bluetooth Module
2 Overview
Product Specification Rev. 1.1
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The PAN1760A is Panasonic’s next generation Bluetooth module with the industry’s lowest
power Bluetooth Low Energy SoC.
The module is based on Toshiba's single chip TC35678 Bluetooth semiconductor device with
embedded Toshiba Bluetooth 4.2 LE stack and embedded flash for the user application in
stand-alone operation. Peak power consumption of only 3.6 mA in Tx and Rx mode allows
advanced wireless functionalities in IoT, medical, and industrial applications without
compromising battery life. Mandatory and optional Bluetooth 4.2 features are supported.
The PAN1760A can either be operated in AT-Command or Host mode for very simple
integration of Bluetooth connectivity into existing products, or in Stand-Alone mode.
In Stand-Alone mode, with 256 kB flash memory and 83 kB RAM for user application, the
PAN1760A can be used for many applications without the need for an external processor,
saving cost, complexity, and space.
Older versions of the PAN1760, the PAN1761, and the PAN1026 share the same footprint.
Only minor code changes are required when migrating from PAN1026 or PAN1760. Previously
developed software (Bluetooth Low Energy profiles and applications) can be easily migrated
with a minimal effort.
FCC, IC, and CE approval are in preparation.
Please refer to the Panasonic website for related documents
Further information on the variants and versions