3. Separate cord reel unit from the cord reel support. (Fig. 14)
4. Replace cord reel unit with a new one and reassemble with
the cord reel support. Then refasten the screw.
NOTE: Wind up the power cord the extra times indicated on
the spring plate to maintain spring efficiency.
5. Connect the lead wires according to the schematic diagram
and reinstall the cord reel ass’y into place. Then
reassemble the remaining parts in the reverse order.
Fig. 14
Fig. 13
Cord reel
Cord reel support
reel unit
(1) Cord reel unit
1. Remove upper body and cord reel ass’y as explained in
paragraph (1) Motor, points 1-4.
2. Unwind the power cord to release the cord reel spring.
Then remove the screw from the cord reel support. (Fig. 13)
Cord reel
Fig. 15
Fig. 17
Fig. 16
(2) Power cord supply
1. To replace the power cord supply, follow the disassembling
process described in paragraph (1) Cord reel unit, points 1-3.
2. Unwind the total length of the power cord supply from the
cord reel.
3. Press and release the stopper on the cord reel and lift the
rail base by pushing the lower end. (Fig. 15)
4. Remove power cord supply from the rail base and replace
with a new one.
NOTE: Observe the colour of the power cord supply lead
wires before reinstalling the new one. (Fig. 16)
5. Insert the rail base through the cord reel slot. (Fig. 17)
NOTE: Put Vaseline on the rail base before assembling the
cord reel support.
6. Wind up the total power cord supply length in the arrow
direction, as indicated on the spring plate.
7. Reassemble cord reel unit and cord reel support, and refasten
the screw. Then wind up the power cord the extra times
indicated on the spring plate, to maintain spring efficiency.
8. Connect the lead wires according to the schematic diagram
and reinstall the cord reel assembly into place. Then
reassemble the remaining parts in the reverse order.
Rail base
Blue wire
Brown wire