(1) It is Purchaser’s sole responsibility to ascertain the fitness and suitability of the Products for any
particular application, as well as to abide by Purchaser’s applicable local laws and regulations, if
(2) In incorporating the Products to any equipment, facilities or systems, it is highly recommended to
employ fail-safe designs, including but not limited to a redundant design, flame propagation
prevention design, and malfunction prevention design so as not to cause any risk of bodily injury,
fire accident, or social damage due to any failure of such equipment, facilities or systems,
(3) The Products are each intended for use only in environments commonly found in manufacturing
industry, and, unless expressly allowed in this manual, specification or otherwise, shall not be used
in, or incorporated into, any equipment, facilities or systems, such as those:
which are used for the protection of human life or body parts;
which are used outdoors or in environments subject to any likelihood of chemical
contamination or electromagnetic influence;
(iii) which are likely to be used beyond the limits of operations or environments specified by
Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX in this manual or otherwise;
(iv) which may cause risk to life or property, such as nuclear energy control equipment,
transportation equipment whether on rail or land, or in air or at sea, and medical equipment;
(v) which otherwise require a high level of safety performance similar to that required in those
equipment, facilities or systems as listed in (i) through (iv) above.
In some jurisdictions, the Products may be subject to local export laws and regulations. If any diversion
or re-export is to be made,
Purchaser is advised to abide by such local export laws and regulations, if any, at its own responsibility.
If Purchaser resell or deliver the Products to a third party, Purchaser must provide such third party with a
copy of this document, all specifications, manuals, catalogs, leaflets and written information of any kind
provided to Purchaser by Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX or its authorized local representative from
time to time regarding the Products. If Purchaser resell or deliver the Products to a third party, Purchaser
must provide such third party with a copy of this document, all specifications, manuals, catalogs, leaflets
and written information of any kind provided to Purchaser by Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX or its
authorized local representative from time to time regarding the Products.