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To select the devices, click on “click to edit” and bring up the device notification schedule. 
You will find the following selection/options under each device 

Notification type:

 Select the message type for notification (all messages or urgent messages only) 

Dial number:

 CO line access code must be entered preceding the device number (91xxx…) 

Type of device:

 either telephone or beeper can be selected. 

No. of retries:

 The number of times the voicemail will try to send notification if the device is busy or no answer. 

Busy delay time:

 The length of time the voicemail will waiting before sending notification again if busy. 

No answer delay:

 The length of time the voicemail will wait before sending notification again if no answer. 

Use mode:

 not used, continuously or within scheduled time only* 


*Note regarding use mode: 


Not use:

 The selected device is not used for message notification 



The device is called whenever a message is recorded in the mailbox. 



 The device is called only during the selected time. 

    To select the time frame, Click on a day tab (Sunday – Saturday). Click “time frame 1” or “time frame 2” 
    You may enter the start and end time in the “start at:” and “end at:” field or drag the edges of the time       
    frame to mark the start and end times. 



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