CAUTION: Use of controls adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified herein may result in hazardous laser light exposure.
Class 2 Laser scanners use a low power, visible light diode. As with any very bright light
source, such as the sun, the user should avoid staring into the beam directly. Momentary
exposure to a Class 2 laser is not known to be harmful.
Warranty Policy
The warranty period and what is covered are according to applications, contracts or
distributors. Please ask our sales representative.
The following damages are not covered by the warranty.
– Any secondary damages, including without limitation, business chances.
– Any damages by user including dropping, water contact or any other wrong use, other
than the purpose designed for.
(Laser Module or Laser
Marker output window)
Getting Started
JT-H320HT-E1_E2(PGQX1034ZA).indd 3
2011/08/29 18:21:16