3x00 User Manual
Control and Configuration:
The Apantac OG-US-
3x00 models are controlled and configured through the openGear frame’s
control software ‘Dashboard’ by Ross Video inc. Dashboard can be acquired through the Ross
Video website;
Dashboard software runs on PC’s and connects to the openGear frame’s control card via Ether-
net. The IP address of the openGear frame is displayed on the LCD panel on the front of the
frame. The openGear frame may have a fixed IP address or use DHCP.
The openGear frame’s control card communicates to the individual openGear cards via the
frame’s internal CANBUS (Controlled Area Network). CANBUS communicates to the frame’s
slots, the Apantac OG-US-3x00 cards do not possess an IP address. All control and configura-
tion of the OG-US-3x00 cards is through the Dashboard-CANBUS channels.
The Apantac OG-US-3x00 Dashboard interface is shown above. Each Apantac OG-US-3x00 card
should be recognized by Dashboard and displayed by the installed slot number.