...emp/Rar$EXa0.846/viewing/SGML_VIEW_DATA/ALL/H-FS14140PP/SVC/DSC1305023CE/doc/DSC1305023CE_04.xml[11/12/2018 11:35:59 AM]
4 Disassembly and Assembly Procedure
4.1 Outline
It is recommended dealing with clean box, to keep maintaining the dustproof environment.
(Refer to “3.2. Clean Box” section of this service manual for details.)
And, please refer to "5.1.2. Dust / Dirt on the Lens Glasses" when cleaning the inside of the lens
When servicing the enclosure part (refer to Fig. W1), it must be performed inside of satisfed clean level.
(Satisfed clean level: Less than class 10,000 (Federal Standard 209D))
As for procedure, refer to the “5 Maintenance” for details.
2. To minimize the possibilities/risk of getting the dust/dirt on the lens surface, keep covering the lens unit with lens caps (front &
rear), other than necessary cases.
Do not touch the surface of the lens glasses with your fngers.
4. Blow off the dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush.
5. Use lens cleaning KIT (BK)(VFK1900BK).
Proceed disassemble/assemble, by referring the following table and Fig. W1.
When installing the screws, be sure to use the torque driver (RFKZ0456) and tighten the screws with specifed torque, mentioned
on the following table.
2. Use VFK1390 (small driver) when screwing Ref. B212.
Interchangeable Lens (H-FS14140)