W H A T C A N I D O W H E N I ’ M O N A C A L L ?
Receiving a second call (call waiting)
When you are on a call, you can receive a
second call and have separate
conversations with each caller. When the
second call comes in, you hear a call
waiting tone and the Call Waiting dialog
box appears. You can do any of the
following to handle the second call:
To place the current call on hold and
answer the new call, press
or select
To send the new call to voicemail, select
To send the new call to voicemail and
send the caller a text message, select
Ignore with Text
Sending text messages to land line
phones may not be supported.
To hang up the current call and answer
the new call, press
and then press
To switch between the original call and
the second call you answered, select
or press
Making a conference call
You can join a total of five other calls in a
conference call, provided that your network
and service plan include 6-way
conferencing. Please contact your wireless
service provider for more information.
Additional charges may apply and minutes
in your mobile account may be deducted
for each call included in the conference call.
While the first call is active, make a
second call.
. This joins you
and the two calls in a conference call.
To add more calls to the conference,
, dial another number,
and then select
to add
the new call.
Содержание 1049NA - Treo 680 Smartphone 64 MB
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