S Y N C H R O N I Z I N G I N F O R M A T I O N — T H E B A S I C S
To sync your info,
you must install Palm Desktop software
from the Palm Software Installation CD
that came with your smartphone—even if
you sync with Outlook or another
third-party application. See Installing the
desktop synchronization software for
Connect your smartphone to your
computer, as described in Connecting
your smartphone to your computer.
Press the
button on the sync
Messages on both your computer and
your smartphone indicate that
synchronization is in progress.
Wait until you see the message on your
smartphone that the HotSync operation
is complete; then disconnect the sync
cable. Do not disconnect the sync cable
until you see this message.
If you’re finishing your initial setup, you
now have the option to install bonus
software from the Palm Software
Installation CD. If you choose to install
some of the bonus software, you need to
sync again to install the software on your
smartphone. You can also install bonus
software later; see Installing bonus
software from the CD.
For more sync options, including which
apps sync, see Synchronizing information—
Sync button
Problems synchronizing? See
Synchronization for troubleshooting
For info on locating your pictures and
videos on your computer, see Viewing
pictures and videos on your computer.
Содержание 1049NA - Treo 680 Smartphone 64 MB
Страница 1: ...User Guide Your Palm Treo 680 Smartphone ...
Страница 10: ...W E L C O M E 10 ...
Страница 32: ...In this chapter Moving around the screen 33 Using the keyboard 37 Opening applications 41 ...
Страница 86: ...In this chapter Which email application should I use 87 The VersaMail application 87 Messaging 101 ...
Страница 112: ...Y O U R E M A I L A N D O T H E R M E S S A G E S M E S S A G I N G 112 4 C H A P T E R ...
Страница 132: ...In this chapter Camera 133 Pictures Videos 137 Pocket Tunes 142 ...
Страница 150: ...In this chapter Calendar 151 World Clock 158 Tasks 160 ...
Страница 164: ...Y O U R P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N O R G A N I Z E R T A S K S 164 7 C H A P T E R ...
Страница 166: ...In this chapter Documents To Go Professional 167 Memos 168 Voice Memo 169 ...
Страница 216: ...Y O U R P E R S O N A L S E T T I N G S C O N N E C T I N G T O A V P N 216 10 C H A P T E R ...
Страница 246: ...C O M M O N Q U E S T I O N S E R R O R M E S S A G E S 246 11 C H A P T E R ...
Страница 248: ...W H E R E T O L E A R N M O R E 248 ...
Страница 260: ...I M P O R T A N T S A F E T Y A N D L E G A L I N F O R M A T I O N 260 ...
Страница 263: ...S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 263 ...
Страница 264: ...S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 264 ...
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