Installing the Motherboard
1. To achieve better airflow rates and heat dissipation, we suggest that you use
a high quality fan with at least 4800 rpm. CPU fan and heatsink installation
procedures may vary with the type of CPU fan/heatsink supplied. The form and
size of fan/heatsink may also vary.
2. DO NOT remove the CPU cap from the socket before installing a CPU.
2. Install Processor and Cooler
Install the CPU components following instructions below.
A. Unload the cap
· Use thumb & forefinger to hold the
lifting tab of the cap.
· Lift the cap up and remove the cap
completely from the socket.
B. Open the load plate
· Use thumb & forefinger to hold the
hook of the lever, pushing down and pulling
aside unlock it.
· Lift up the lever.
· Use thumb to open the load plate. Be
careful not to touch the contacts.
C . Install the CPU on the socket
· Orientate CPU package to the socket. Make
sure you match triangle marker to pin 1
D . Close the load plate
· Slightly push down the load plate onto the
tongue side, and hook the lever.
· CPU is locked completely.
E. Apply thermal grease on top of the CPU.
F. Fasten the cooling fan supporting base onto
the CPU socket on the motherboard.
G. Make sure the CPU fan is plugged to the
CPU fan connector. Please refer to the CPU
cooling fan user manual for more detail
installation procedure.