TINY-2/MICRO-2 Technical Ref., 2. Ed 1989
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This manual applies to both the TINY-2 and MICROPOWER-2 packet controllers. These units share
the same basic design and interface to radios and computer terminals identically. The term TINY-
2/MICRO-2 is used throughout this manual to refer to both units when dealing with components
and procedures which are the same for both units.
The terms "Computer and terminal" are used interchangeably to refer to the computer or terminal
used to communicate with the packet controller. This is not meant to imply that a computer is nec-
essary for operation of a packet controller.
Every effort has been made to make this manual complete and accurate, however PacComm as-
sumes no responsibility for damages incurred as a result of using this documentation. PacComm
reserves the right to make changes to equipment specifications or documentation at any time
without notice or obligation to previous purchasers. Your comments and suggestions for improve-
ment are welcome.
Be sure to read any errata, manual updates, and software release notes before operating the pack-
et controller.
Completely TNC-2 firmware Compatible
Supports all 'TAPR' commands plus many PacComm additions.
Personal Message System (optional on TINY-2)
4.9 MHz CPU clock speed
32k EPROM and 32k RAM
Typical Power Consumption: 9 – 14 VDC @ 220 mA [40 mA]
Crystal controlled IC modem supports 1200/2200 Hz tones
DE-9P (male) for RS-232 Computer
TNC-2 type modem disconnect header
Power, Connect, Status, PTT, Carrier Detect LEDs
Extruded aluminum case 5 × 7 × 1 3/8 inches with gray, oven baked wrinkle finish
Metal end panels grounded to prevent RFI
MICROPOWER-2 printer port and hardware clock options
NET/ROM and ROSE Compatibility
The TINY-2/MICRO-2 are TNC-2 compatible meaning that an EPROM designed for a TNC-2 com-
patible (such as both NET/ROM and ROSE networking EPROMs) will operate in a TINY-2/MICRO-2.
Please refer to Appendix A for interconnection cable Information for dual/multi-node units.