MAN 9060917 EN V2
P. Lindberg A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 1
Tel.: +45 70212626
6600 Vejen, Denmark
E-mail: [email protected]
Fire hazard
Do not weld containers or pipes that contain or have contained flammable
material, gaseous or liquid flammable fuels. Welding generates sparks and heat,
which can ignite flammable and explosive materials.
Do not use the welding equipment in surroundings where there is flammable or
explosive material.
Remove all flammable and explosive material from within a radius of 10 m around the
welding arc – if this is not possible, cover completely with fire-proof covering.
Ensure that ejected embers do not lead to a fire or explosion in hidden spaces, cracks
or other locations that are not immediately visible.
Always ensure that there is a fire extinguisher within reach.
Use oil-free workwear without pockets or cuffs or folds that can trap embers.
Never have any flammable materials on your body, such as a lighter or matches.
Keep the welding wire as close as possible to the area that is to be welded to avoid
unintentional current paths causing an electric shock or fire hazard.
To avoid unintentional arcs, the wire must be cut off so that only a ¼” sticks out after
Hot surfaces
Welded materials are hot and can cause serious burns if handled incorrectly.
Do not touch welded materials with your bare hands.
Do not touch the burn nozzle until it has cooled down sufficiently after welding.
Ejected embers/fragments
Welding generates ejected embers, which can cause injury. Planishing slag can
result in ejected material or fragments.
Always use protective workwear: Approved safety goggles or visor, welder’s helmet and
earplugs to prevent embers from coming into contact with hair and ears.