r 1 v 2 C l o s e d C e l l F o i l M a n u a l
this is a high-end performance product. When often used highly powered up or with race and
hydrofoil boards you are using the kite at it’s top end and it will wear quicker.
pRe anD pOst use CheCK List.
You must inspect all your equipment before and after every use. Check the entire kite including upper
and lower surfaces, line attachment points, speed system and bridles. immediately replace any worn or
damaged parts with original parts only.
• COntROL system anD ChiCKen LOOp Line: Check for abrasion, if any part is damaged change
it immediately
• LINeS: Check them every time you wind and unwind the lines. if one of them is damaged, change the
corresponding pair.
• SpeeD SyStem: Check the pulleys and lines for abrasion, if any are damaged change them immediately.
• BrIDLe LINeS: Check the bridle lines for abrasion, if any are damaged change them immediately.
• SaIL: Check there are no holes or tears in the sail. if your sail is torn, you can repair it with the sticky cloth,
provided in repair kit. to repair the sail, make sure it is clean and dry. Prepare two pieces of sticky cloth,
one for each side of the damaged area. The patch should cover the hole by at least 2cm all round. Lay flat
and stick on both sides.
• packINg: Dry your kite after use away from the sun and direct heat. never leave a wet kite in its bag.
store your kite in a dry place out of the sun. never wash or clean it with detergent.
The correct factory setting of lines 1 and 4 are labelled standard (middle knot). All lines should be equal at this point,
however kite lines do stretch with the power lines taking the full load. Unwind the lines from the bar and have a
partner hold the bar. Taking hold of the opposite ends, check the lines 2 and 3 are of equal length to the standard
knot on lines 1 and 4.
if the lines are not even you may either...
1) stretch out the shorter lines. Attach the shorter lines to a car hitch or something very solid. then take hold of the bar
and pull with enough force to stretch the line. Do this to any lines that are shorter and re-check that all 4 lines are
equal length.
2) Use line 1 and 4 knot options (-/+ 5cm).
tRimming fOR Line stRetCh
- 5Cm
- 5Cm
+ 5Cm
+ 5Cm
stanDaRD Lines
RaCe Lines