for a furtHer custoMised fit you can try tHe
various strap positions using tHe tongue and
baseplate slot.
slowly undo tHe baseplate screws (don’t unscrew all
tHe way) to allow clearance for tHe strap tongue to
be pusHed down, tHen Move tHe tongue forward or
backward in tHe baseplate slot, tHen pull it back up
into place.
eacH strap tongue Has tHree positions in tHe
baseplate, wHicH allows for nine different strap
positions wHen coMbining left and rigHt tongue
positions. once you find tHe best setting tigHten
tHe baseplate screws back down.
sTaNdard TONguE pOsiTiON
slidE TONguE backwards
slidE TONguE fOrwards
after first use and periodically we recoMMend to
cHeck all screws and re-tigHten if necessary.