Precautions to Take When Sanding Paint
CAUTION: A dust mask should be worn at all times.
Any finish, such as paint or resin, may soften from frictional heat. This will cause the
material to rapidly clog the sandpaper, rendering it useless. A heat gun will remove
paint more effectively before sanding.
CAUTION: Follow all safety instructions in the heat gun's instruction manual.
Environmental Safety
Paint should be removed in a manner which minimises the amount of
dust generated.
Areas where paint removal is occurring should be sealed with plastic sheeting.
Sanding should be done in a manner which reduces the tracking of paint dust
outside the work area.
CAUTION: Sanding of lead based paint is not recommended due to the
dangers of lead poisoning.
Cleaning and Disposal
All surfaces of the work area should be vacuumed and thoroughly cleaned daily
for the duration of the sanding project. Vacuum filter bags should be changed
Plastic drop sheets should be gathered up and disposed of along with any dust
chips or other debris. They should be placed in sealed refuse receptacles and
disposed of through regular garbage pick-up.
During clean-up, children and pregnant women should be kept away from the
immediate work area.
All toys, washable furniture and utensils used by children should be washed
thoroughly before use.