Figure 5. Connecting the condensate drain
Condensate will start accumulating within the Unit when dew-point conditions occur if
necessary incline of condensate drain pipe is not observed or siphon with non-return valve is not
installed or not functional. Excessive level of accumulated water can leak out through unexpected
parts of Unit's body and can cause rust formation or damage walls or flooring. Operation of exhaust
fan in conditions of excess moisture can cause its failure. Failure to properly install condensate drain
will void the warranty.
Ventilation system balancing
It is necessary to balance the supply and exhaust air flows of the air handling unit during first launch
of the ventilation system. Ventilation system will ensure proper heat recovery and the lowest possible
electricity consumption during the cold season only if properly balanced.
System has to be balanced according to ventilation system installation project. Balance the supply
and exhaust air flows by adjusting values for Fan1 and Fan2 in the operating parameters setting menu
of control panel with touchscreen display (refer to section 1.5 of Operating parameters setting
manual) or using P3 and P4 controls of control panel with the knob (refer to section 9.3.6 "Additional
system settings").
There is a risk of heat exchanger freezing when operating an unbalanced ventilation system during
the cold season, as a result of which air handling unit may start supplying cold air to the premises.
Unexpected indoor air moisture condensation can occur on the supply air ducts.
Balancing of the system can only be entrusted to qualified professional possessing all
the necessary properly calibrated technical equipment.
Request a ventilation system passport to be prepared.
Freezing of heat exchanger which occurred during operation of an unbalanced
ventilation system can irreversibly change the properties of the heat exchanger and damage the
internal air tightness of the Unit. Failure of the Unit due to freezing while operating the unbalanced
ventilation system will void the warranty!