RT User Manual
Revision: 190902
Wi-Fi tab
To configure the Wi-Fi as an Access Point, click on the option and the field to configure
the Network details and router details will become available to edit.
The Network name (SSID) will be by default OxTS INS (SN) This can be changed to
another name but cannot contain any of the following characters: [<], [>], [&], ['] and ["].
It is possible to add a password to the network created. To enable this, select what security
protocol to use, WPA or WPA2, and then enter the Passphrase.
For the router, the Gateway and Subnet mask can be changed if using a different IP range
or to prevent IP clashes. The Gateway as referred to in NAVconfig is the IP address of
the Gateway or Wi-Fi module in the RT.
To Configure the Wi-Fi to connect to an existing WLAN, you will need to have the Wi-
Fi already enabled and have the Access Point disabled. If the Wi-Fi is not enabled, the
RT will not be able to see what network it could connect to. If the Access Point is enabled,
the RT will not connect to an existing network.
Under “
Wireless networks in range of device”,
you can choose which network you wish
to connect the RT to and drag the network to the box on the right. If the network is
secured, a text box will be available to enter a password. This will contain the networks
that the RT will connect to when they are in range.
A network containing the following characters, [<], [>], [&], ['] and ["], will not be seen
correctly and the RT will not be able to connect to the device. These characters cannot
be used in the SSID of the RT.
If using an iPhone to hotspot, please be aware if the phone is called "[name]'s iPhone" as
this has the non-usable [']. To change the name of the hotspot, go to "Settings" >
"General" > "About" and select "Name".