© 2 Save Energy Limited 2014
STEP THREE - Locating your Network OWL
The Network OWL should ideally be hung on the wall in a free area as far from large metal
objects as possible. Ideally it should be central to your various Intuition devices. Position
the antenna in a vertical orientation.
If necessary you can replace the Ethernet cable with a longer cable (up to 100 meters
long). If installing a long Ethernet cable is a problem, you can use a “Powerline Range
Extender” or “Wireless Range Extender” - please search for these common products online.
Please check the Network OWL support articles at https://theowl.zendesk.com for
further information.
STEP FOUR - Log in to your OWL Intuition Web Dashboard
You can now log in to your new OWL Intuition account with your username and password
at: https://www.owlintuition.com
STEP FIVE - Install your OWL Intuition Devices
Please now follow the instructions provided with the other OWL Intuition Devices (e.g.
Electricity Monitoring or Heating Control products). Please install Electricity Monitoring
devices first. If necessary please download a copy of the appropriate installation manuals
accessed via the Manuals link, bottom right on the OWL Intuition web dashboard.