4. Web Management
AirLive POE-FSH8PW User’s Manual
names. These are just for your reference. Only the numbers are important!
There firstly add your VLAN Groups (identified throughout your network by unique and
constant numbers). Start with IDs from 100 and up. Keep in mind that some switches use
“1” as the default, while others use “4095” or “4096” as default. Starting with 100 gives you
enough free room and less compatibility issues.
So enter “100” in the field right of VID Setting, then select or deselect which ports are
member of that group. Your up- and downlink ports need to member of every existing group!
Then click on add. The new group with its setting will be displayed at the bottom of the
With the PVID Setting you define to which VLAN group incoming traffic belongs. Consider
the example that Port 1 is member of group 100 and 101. A simple PC is connected to Port
1. If that PC is now sending out data, with PVID you define if that data is for group 100 or
4.20 Multi to 1 Setting (VLAN Setting)
Multi-to-1 VLAN is used in CPE side of Ethernet-to-the-Home and is exclusive to VLAN
setting on ”VLAN member setting “. When VLAN member setting is updated, multi-to-1
setting will be void and vice versa. The “disable port” means the port which will be excluded
in this setting. All ports excluded in this setting are treated as the same VLAN group.