Locate 1
Long Potting
and 3 Legs. Attach Legs in
each corner except left rear with
2 - 2.5” screws from underneath.
Place adjacent to Short Potting
Shelf and attach together from
underneath where end framings
meet with 2 - 2.5” screws.
Attach Long Shelf into Wall Stud
with 1 - 2.5” screw from
2.5” screws
Into Wall Stud
Locate 2nd Long Potting Shelf and 2 Legs. Attach Legs in front corners with 2 - 2.5” screws
from underneath. Place in rear corner against Short Potting Shelf and attach together from under-
neath where framings meet with 2 - 2.5” screws. Attach Long Shelf into Wall Stud with 1 - 2.5” screw
from underneath.
Optional Chord Rafter Attachment:
For geographic areas where additional support may be
required for the roof, an Optional Chord Rafter is
included and can easily be installed.
Chord Rafter
. It is 3/4” x 3 1/2” x 48” long
and angle cut on both ends. Attach Rafter to Gable
center framing and Ridge Board with 2 - 2” screws per
end. Complete both ends.
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