Roof Batten flush
with rafter end.
From the outside, screw down through bottom row of shingles into rafter with 1 - 2 1/2” screw.
Locate Middle Roof Panels.(roof battens flush with outside of shingles) and place on middle rafters.
Identify Roof Panels. There are 2 Outside and 2 Middle Roof Panel per side.
Starting with outside rear panel, lift up and place on rafters.
Outside Roof Panel with
Shingles overhanging end.
Place Outside Roof Panel so it sits flush on 3rd rafter from the outside (doubled up rafter).
Lowest batten on roof should be flush with end of rafter at bottom.
3rd Rafter from
the outside
Screw bottom row of shingle down
to rafter with 1 - 2 1/2” screw.
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Page 23
Shingles overhang battens
on outside panels.
Shingles and battens
flush on middle panel.
Roof facing
down with
roofing felt