A leeward boat that is luffing up cannot sail past head to wind (Figure I).
Head to wind
Past head to wind
Your boat is sailing “
head to wind
” when the bow of the boat is pointed
directly into the wind. If you steer your boat into the wind, past the point
when it is head to wind, you have sailed “
past head to wind
.” If you
are luffing up, you are not permitted to sail past head to wind. If you do,
you lose the right of way, regardless of which tack you are sailing on. If
there is a collision after the leeward boat is past head to wind, the leeward
boat must do a penalty turn (see Rule 5).
5. Collision rule
Whenever you collide with another boat, or fail to avoid a collision, you
must sail clear of all other boats and complete penalty turns before
continuing the race. Before the start of every race, the race committee or
racers determine whether a penalty will consist of one or two 360 degree
penalty turns. Generally, only one turn is required in light wind conditions.
wind direction
Figure I
Remove hatch cover. Take out battery holder. Check switch on boat to
make sure it is in the off position. Install four "AA" batteries. (Alternately,
you may use a pack of five NiMH rechargeable batteries. See page 11 for
more information.) Replace battery holder and hatch cover.
Do not put
your RC Laser into the water without its hatch cover.
Damage may result.