Register your Pet
To register your pet you will need to register the includ-
ed SmartLink™ Tag and add in your pets information.
If you want to register multiple pets, you will need
multiple SmartLink™ Tags.
1. Select the pets (SmartLink™ Tag) from the list and tap
“+”, or touch your smartphone to the SmartLink™ Tag
with the app running.
2. Enter information and tap “Register”.
3. Once information is loaded, registration is complete.
4. Repeat these steps for every tag/pet you want to register
to the app.
One pet tab is created for each pet and shown in the
healthcare log.
To ensure that the SmartLink™ Tag works with the
SmartLink™ Feeder, you will need to pair each tag you
register to the feeder. Hold the tag to the next to the
blue sensor window, push and hold the Open/Close but-
ton for three seconds. A small, red LED light will start
to flash within the blue sensor window.