The NCA-200 Air Caloric Stimulator is a convenient and accurate instrument to be used for
evoking eye movement responses (nystagmus) during VNG/ENG examinations. The system
provides thermal stimulation through the use of a carefully controlled flow of air. The air
temperature is adjustable from 12
C to 50
C. The system provides for presetting two
temperatures -- one for the warm and one for the cool caloric stimulation. Precise
temperature control is maintained through the use of a thermistor located within 60 mm of
the point of airflow delivery. The innovative design of the otoscopic delivery head allows
observation of the point of stimulation, assuring valid and repeatable responses.
Intended Use:
An air caloric stimulator is a device that delivers a stream of air to the ear canal at
controlled rates of flow and temperature and that is intended for vestibular function
testing of a patient’s body balance system. The vestibular stimulation of the semicircular
canals produce involuntary eye movements that are measured and recorded by a
This device should be used by a trained professional.