Connecting the contralateral phone
1. To connect the phone, insert the plug end into the contralateral phone socket on the connection panel.
Push the plug firmly into the socket until it locks into the socket.
Disconnecting the contralateral phone
To disconnect the contralateral phone, take hold of the reinforced sleeve of the plug and pull firmly until the plug is
Insert phone
Never insert the contralateral phone into the patient's ear without first inspecting the patient's ear canal.
The eartip can be used for both ears. If you suspect infection in one ear, use a clean eartip and probe tip
before you continue testing on the other ear.
Do not use the contralateral insert phone in an ear with discharge. Use a supra-aural phone instead.
To prevent cross-infection, use new eartips when you test the next client.
Fitting a foam tip on the insert phone
1. Fit a suitably sized foam eartip on the contralateral insert phone.
2. Before inserting the eartip in the patient's ear, compress the foam eartip to make it smaller. Insert the eartip in the
patient's ear until the outer surface of the eartip is flush with the ear canal entrance.
The eartip will expand in the ear canal within a few seconds.
Supra-aural phone
1. Fit the supra-aural phone on the patient's head so that the center of the phone is directed towards the entrance of
the ear canal.
Some ear canals may collapse and prevent the stimulus from entering the ear. In such cases either use the
insert phone or follow local recommendations.
Tympanometry testing using the device
The main screen
The tympanometry main screen is shown on the display when you start up the device.
User Guide
Inmedico A/S - T830/T840