OSANG Healthcare GluNEO M3 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 39

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Inconsistent or unexpected test results

If you continue to get unexpected results, check your system with control solution. If you experience 

symptoms that are not consistent with your glucose results, review and follow all the instructions in 

this manual. Do not ignore symptoms or make significant changes to your diabetes control program by 

informing healthcare professional of your symptoms and/or concerns.



Low Glucose Results: If your result is lower than 60mg/dL, it may mean hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). This 

may require immediate treatment, according to your healthcare professional’s recommendations. Although this 

result could be due to a test error, it is safer to treat first and you may test another.


High Glucose Results: if your test result is higher than 180 mg/dL, it may mean hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). 

If you are uncertain about your test results, consider re-testing. Your health care professional will help you to 

decide how you need to act. If the meter displays “HI” all the time, please re-check your blood glucose. If the “HI” 

continues, please consult with your healthcare professional immediately.

FCC Compliance Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the 

following two conditions: 

(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must 

accept any interference received, including interference that may cause 

undesired operation.


  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party 

responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user’s  authority  to  operate  the 



This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B 

digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to 

provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential 

installation. This equipment generates, uses and can  radiate radio frequency 

energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may 

cause harmful interference to radio  communications. However, there is no 

guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this 

equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, 

which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is 

encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following 


-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which 

the receiver is connected.

-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

RED Compliance Statement

This product is CE marked according to the provision of the RED (2014/53/EU). 


OSANG Healthcare Co., Ltd

. declares that this product is in compliance 

with the essential requirements  and other relevant provisions of Directive 


Содержание GluNEO M3

Страница 1: ...Blood Glucose Monitoring System...

Страница 2: ...reprofessional beforemakinganychangestoyour diabetesmanagement TheGluNEO M3BloodGlucoseMonitoringSystemisforin vitrodiagnosticuse only CustomerServiceisavailable24hoursaday 7daysaweek and365daysayear...

Страница 3: ...uNEO M3BloodGlucoseMonitoringSystem DonotchangeyourmedicationbasedontheGluNEO M3metertestresultswithoutcontactingyourphysicianor healthcareprofessionalfirst Donotassembleordisassemblethebloodglucosete...

Страница 4: ...ejectorfunction 22 Reviewingyourresults Reviewingyourbloodglucose 23 Reviewingyouraverages 23 Deletingtestresults 24 Alternatesitetest Lancingandsamplingfromanalternatesitearea 25 27 Lancingdeviceclea...

Страница 5: ...terferewithGluNEO M3teststrips Donotuseduringorsoonafterxyloseabsorptiontesting Xyloseinthebloodwillcauseinterference Beforeusinganyproduct pleasereadallinstructions Consult with your physician or dia...

Страница 6: ...cingDevice optional 4 Lancets optional 5 Instructionsforuse 6 WarrantyRegistrationCard 7 CarryingCase 8 PatientLogbook 9 2EA3VCoinBattery CR2032 YourGluNEO M3BloodGlucoseMonitoringSystemhasbeensealedt...

Страница 7: ...transmitters or other electrical equipment that are sources of electromagnetic radiation as these mayinterferewiththeproperoperationoftheglucosetestmeter DisplayScreen Displaysyourtestresults symbols...

Страница 8: ...splay LowBatteryWarning BeforeHavingaMeal AfterHavingaMeal Pasting BloodDropSymbolforTest MemoryMode SettingMode BluetoothFunction AverageTestResult Warning MeasurementUnit Date Time TestStripCode Ala...

Страница 9: ...besingleuseonly DONOTRE USE Donottestattemperaturesbelow10 C 50 F orabove40 C 104 F Donottestintheconditionthathumidityisbelow10 orabove90 Donotbend cut oraltertheteststrip Avoidgettingdirt food andwa...

Страница 10: ...buttonstoturn theUserActivityOptionon off push button Year Afterpressingand releasingeither or buttons tosettheyear push button Date Time Afterpressingand releasingeither or buttonstosetthedate andtim...

Страница 11: ...ttherighttestunit YourGluNEO M3Meterispre settomg dLastestunit Awrongtestunit will lead to wrong test result display Please consult your healthcare professional if you re not sure which test unit tous...

Страница 12: ...ing thecodenumberontheglucosetestmetereverytime Checkthecodeonthevialtoseeifthecodesmatcheachother CAUTION Donotbendtheglucoseteststriptopreventtheautomaticcoderecognitionfailure If the code recogniti...

Страница 13: ...odglucosetestmeterorbloodglucoseteststripisnotfunctioningproperly Ifyourbloodglucosetestresultsarenotconsistentwithyoursymptoms orifyouthinkresultsarenot accurate Ifyouhavedroppedthebloodglucosetestme...

Страница 14: ...ithinthatrange CAUTION Controlsolutionsisforin vitrodiagnosticuseonly Thismeansthatitisonlyusedfortestingoutsidethebody ControlsolutionisexclusivelymadefortheGluNEO M3BloodGlucoseMonitoringSystem Dono...

Страница 15: ...lsolutiontest Donotuseifitexpired Onceopened thecontrolsolutionexpiresafter6months Ifyourcontrolsolutiontestfallsoutofrange pleasefollowthenextstepsbefore contactingcustomersupport Checktheexpirationd...

Страница 16: ...lood Beingamoreadvancedlancingdevice itprovides ultimatesafetyandcomfortforobtainingbloodsamples Anadjustabletipoffers5differentstrengthlevels ofskinpenetrationforindividualuser scomfort whilealancete...

Страница 17: ...Storage Productsmustbestoredatroomtemperatureprotectedfromsunlightormoisture Cleaninganddisinfection Cleanandwipetheouterpartoflancingdeviceonceaweekattheminimumwithasoftclothdampened withmildsoapandw...

Страница 18: ...hemeteraccordingly 3 Ablinkingblood dropsymbol willappearatthetopofthescreen which indicatesthatthemeterisreadyfortesting CAUTION If the code is not displayed after for a while pull the glucose test s...

Страница 19: ...cets singleuseonly andthelancingdevice Washyourhandsthoroughlywithsoapandcleanwaterafterhandlingthemeter lancingdeviceand orteststrip 3 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 1 Unscrewthelancingdevicetip 3 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 1...

Страница 20: ...teststripanddonottakeoffyourfingeruntilyougetthebeepsound Thetestwillautomaticallystart Pleaserespectrecommendedquantityofbloodsample Toomuchbloodmaycausemalfunctionofyour meterbycontaminatingit CAUTI...

Страница 21: ...duringsetup pressand release or buttontoselecttheactivity thatcorrelateswith yourresult thenpressandreleasethepowerbutton IfyoudonotselecttouseUserActivityoptionduringsetup pressthe powerbutton Record...

Страница 22: ...teinyourarea Be suretocontactyourlocalrepresentativeforproperdisposal Disposingofyourlancet 1 Pushtheneedleintotheprotectivecover 2 Pullthelancetoutanddiscardaccordingly CAUTION Ifyoupushtheejectorbut...

Страница 23: ...etestmetertocalculate Reviewingyourbloodglucose Pressandrelease button Themostrecentresultappearsfirst Notethetimeanddayofyourblood glucoseresult Pressandreleasethe buttonandyourpreviousresultwillappe...

Страница 24: ...rtblinking Afterthethirdbeepsound youmayhearthatthetestresulthasbeendeleted Deletingallthetestresults Todeletealltestresultsinthememorypress and buttonfor3seconds Thendisplayed willstartblinking After...

Страница 25: ...ralpalmordorsalhand orfingertips IMPORTANT It is recommended that alternative site testing be used when glucoses are stable before meals and before bedtime However whenglucosesarechanging bloodfromthe...

Страница 26: ...nthepalm belowyourthumborpinkyfinger Selecta spotwithoutanyvisibleveinsandawayfromanydeeplines Thismaycause yourbloodsampletosmear IMPORTANT Werecommendthatyoutestonyourfingertipsifyouaretestingforhyp...

Страница 27: ...eplacewiththecleartip 3 Tobringfreshbloodtothesurfaceofthetestsite rubthe testsitevigorouslyforafewsecondsuntilyoufeelitgetting warm Applyingheatmaybehelpful 3 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 Adjustcleartiptotheh...

Страница 28: ...amespotmaycausesorenessand calluses If bruising occurs at an alternate site or you have difficulty getting a sample consider sampling from a fingertip instead Youmaywanttoreviewthechoiceofsiteswithyou...

Страница 29: ...useholdbleachandwaterin1 bleach 9 water ratio Dampenaclothwiththissolutionandwipethelancingdevicethoroughly Soakonlythetipforatleast30 minutesinthedisinfectantsolution Donotsoakthelancingdeviceinliqui...

Страница 30: ...ddryplace Keepawayfromdirectsunlightandheat Donotfreeze Afterremovingateststripfromthevial immediatelycloseittightly Recordthediscardeddate datevialopened 6months ontheteststriplabel Donotuseifitisexp...

Страница 31: ...fter the expiration date printed on the package or vial since it may cause inaccurate results Donottestattemperaturesbelow10 C 50 F orabove40 C 104 F Donottestwithhumiditybelow10 orabove90 Donotbend c...

Страница 32: ...yourmobiledevice selectthemeterthatyouareusing Step4 Ensureyourmeterisswitchedoff thenpresstheleftarrowbuttonpointingupwardsabovetheBluetooth symbolonyourmeterfor3secondsuntilyouhearthesoundofabeep Af...

Страница 33: ...rmobiledevice openyourappandfollowtheinstructionsabove Ifyoudonotwishtotransmityourresultstoyourappatthistime simplypressthemiddle OFF button yourmeterwillentersleepmodeandyourresultscanbetransmittedt...

Страница 34: ...alentlithiumbatteryshouldbeused Follow upaction 1 Checkyourmeterwiththeglucosecontrolsolution 2 Performyourtestagain 3 Ifyouareexperiencingsymptomsthatarenotconsistentwithyourbloodglucosetestresults c...

Страница 35: ...batteriesusingyourlocalbatterycollectionsystemsandincompliance withyourlocalenvironmentallawsandregulations Batteriescontainchemicalsthat ifreleased mayaffecttheenvironmentandhumanhealth Thecrossed ou...

Страница 36: ...testmeter Placethebatteryagain andsetthe bloodglucosetestmeter Iftheproblem persists pleasecontactyourauthorized representativeorcustomersupportat OSANGHealthcareCo Ltd Causedbyeitherusedorwetblood gl...

Страница 37: ...ntactyourlocalrepresentativeorcustomer supportatOSANGHealthcareCo Ltd ifthe problempersists Theambienttemperatureislessthan 10 C 50 F Placethemeterata temperaturebetween10 40 C 50 104 F formorethan30m...

Страница 38: ...ethebatteryandiftheproblem persists contactyourlocalrepresentative orcustomersupportatOSANG HealthcareCo Ltd Theglucosetest meterisnotpowered ON Batteryisdead orthereisaproblemwith themeter Changetheb...

Страница 39: ...on Caution Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment NOTE This equipment has been tested and foun...

Страница 40: ...ngesintopreviouslymanufacturedinstruments 3 OSANGHealthcareCo Ltd hasnoknowledgeoftheperformanceoftheinstrumentwhentheteststrip isalteredormodifiedinanymanner Forwarrantyservice Purchasermustcontactth...

Страница 41: ...t 15 65 Altitude 3048meterUpto 10 000feet OperatingTemperature 10 40 C 50 104 F indoor use only OperatingHumidity 10 90 RH StorageTemperature Store2 30 C 36 86 F andnodirectsunlight DonotFreeze Displa...

Страница 42: ...c medicaldevice Caution consultaccompanyingdocuments Invitrodiagnosticmedicaldevice BatchCode Donotre use Serialnumber Dateofmanufacture Manufacturer Keepawayfromsunlight Wasteelectricalandelectronice...

Страница 43: ...43 MEMO...

Страница 44: ...gu Any ang si Gyeonggi do Korea 14040 www osanghc com OSANG Healthcare Co Ltd Obelis S A Bd Gener al Wahis 53 1030 Brussels Belgiu m Tel 32 2 732 59 54 F ax 32 2 732 60 0 3 E mail mail obelis ne t IN...
