MIX Modem - GSM
User Manual V.1.1
Pag. 26
Subject to change without prior notice
The GIPO related AT commands are the following: AT^SPIO, AT^SCPIN, AT^SCPOL,
When the MTX-65I starts up, all GPIO pins are set to high-impedance state after initializing, so, they’re
connected internally with a pull-down resistor. This is necessary to keep these pins from floating or
driving any external devices before all settings are done by AT command (at least AT^SPIO,
AT^SCPIN), and after closing the GPIOs again
All general purpose IO (GPIO) is programmable by the user.
GPIO is programmable for the following features:
• An input or output
• Level-sensitive or transition-sensitive
• Open drain or direct drive
• Polarity (inversion)
• Internal pull-up resistors
3.7.5. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC
The ADC of the MIX MODEM GSM consists of 2 independent, unbalanced, multiplexed analog inputs
that can be used for measuring external DC voltages in the range of 0mV…+2400mV. The ADC has a
resolution of 12 bits.
Use the command AT^SRADC described in [1] to select the analog inputs ADC1_IN or ADC2_IN, to set
the measurement mode and read out the measurement results. The measured values are indicated in
There is no out of range detection. Voltages beyond these limits cannot be measured:
• Underflow: Values ≤ -25mV
• Overflow: Values > 2425mV
The sample period is adjustable from 30s up to 100ms by AT^SRADC Only during sample time
(ts~400µs) the S&H Switch is closed.