MIX Modem - GSM
User Manual V.1.1
Pag. 21
Subject to change without prior notice
• Includes the data lines TXD0 and RXD0, the status lines RTS0 and CTS0 and, in addition, the modem
control lines DTR0, DSR0, DCD0 and RING0.
• ASC0 is primarily designed for controlling voice calls, transferring CSD, fax and GPRS data and for
controlling the GSM engine with AT commands.
• Full Multiplex capability allows the interface to be partitioned into three virtual channels, yet with
CSD and fax services only available on the first logical channel. Please note that when the ASC0
interface runs in Multiplex mode, ASC1 cannot be used.
• The DTR0 signal will only be polled once per second from the internal firmware of MTX-63I/65I.
• The RING0 signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (Unsolicited Result
Code). It can also be used to send pulses to the host application, for example to wake up the
application from power saving state. To configure the RING0 line use following AT Command:
• By default, configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The setting can be changed using the
AT command AT+ICF and, if required, AT^STPB. .
• ASC0 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 300 bps to 460800 bps.
• By default, serial speed for MTX-63i is autobauding: supports bit rates from 1200 to 460800 bps.
For MTX-65i is 115200bps
• Autobauding is not compatible with multiplex mode.
• Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware flow control and XON/XOFF software flow control.
3.7 Expansion I/O port
MTX-63I/65I includes second 2-wire RS232 interface. on the 15 pin high density connector together
with I2C bus and VTRC. The MTX-65I supports a range of configurable I/Os plus SPI bus.
11. IO 2
2. RD1
12. IO 4
3. TD1
13. ADC 2
4. IO 1
14. GND
5. IO 3
15. ADC 1