Orliman 3000-C Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

REF.: 3000-C 

REF.: 3000-C 


 › For proper use of the orthosis it is advisable not to modify its height position once the Velcro straps are adjusted, since the fabric could tear.  If you need to 

adjust the height of the orthosis, first loosen the Velcro straps, re-position the orthosis at the desired height, and adjust the tension of the Velcro straps.


Dear customer,

Thank you for your trust in this Orliman product. You have acquired a quality product with a high 

medicinal value. Please, read the instructions carefully. If you have any doubt, get in contact with 

your doctor, your orthopaedist specialist or our customer service department. Orliman appreci-

ates your choice and wishes you a speedy recovery.


These products satisfy the European Medical Device Directive 93/42/CEE (RD. 1591/2009). A Risk 

Analysis has been carried out (UNE EN ISO 14971) minimising all the existing risks. The trials have 

been carried out in accordance with the European regulation UNE-EN ISO 22523 of Prosthesis and 



Depending on the product:
A-Lumbosacral Back Support:

Lumbago, lumbosciatica, degenerative processes, weak and atonic muscles, disc hernia, pre 

and post-surgical treatment.

In the case of prominent abdomens the pendulum abdomen support is recommended.

B-Dorsolumbar Back Support: 

Dorsalgias, degenerative processes, kyphosis, dorsal treatment, osteoporosis, crushed verte-

brae, pre and post-surgical treatment. In the case of prominent abdomens the pendulum abdo-

men support is recommended.




In order to obtain a greater degree of therapeutic effectiveness in the different pathologies and to 

prolong the life and utility of the product, it is fundamental that the correct size adequate for each 

patient or user is chosen (enclosed in the packet is a diagram with all the sizes and the equivalent 

in centimetres). An excess compression can produce intolerance, therefore we recommend that 

the compression be regulated to an optimum degree.

To fit observe the following aspects:

A-Lumbosacral Back Support:

Place the orthesis around the body so that the bones are placed in the centre of the back and 3 

cm above the gluteal fold, then proceed with the tightening and closure.

Velcros: Adjust the velcro closing systems to achieve the desired compression.

Elastic or crossed straps: Adjust the posterior elastic or crossed straps sticking them to the front 

side by means of the front velcro fasteners.

B-Dorsolumbar Back Support:

*For dorso lumbar support, carry out the procedure as described above, then tighten the shoul-

der pins at the back towards the front, passing them under the armpit, subsequently crossing 

them and carrying the ends to the abdominal wall, sticking them to each other, until the neces-

sary traction is obtained in order to achieve a tolerable retropulsion of the shoulders for the 


Both fasteners should be placed above the pubis lifting the abdominal wall.

*In some cases includes a removable lumbar foam cushion (heat effect) and better adaptation 

of lordosis


The constructive material is inflammable.

Do not expose these products to situations where they could ignite. If this were the case remove 

them quickly and use the necessary measures to put it out. The material used is hypoallergenic, 

however we cannot guarantee 100% that in some determined cases it will not produce allergies, if 

this occurs, remove the product and see the doctor that prescribed it. 

In case of minor irritations due to sweat, we recommend the use of a cotton sock, to separate the 

skin from contact with the material. For small inconvenience caused by sweat, we recommend us-

ing an interface to separate the skin from contact with the tissue. If rash, irritation or swelling to 

remove the product and consult a doctor or prosthetist. Contraindicated in open scars with swell-

ing, redness and accumulation heat.


These products are to be used only by those which have been medically prescribed to do so. Per-

sons unconnected to such prescriptions should not use them. When the product is not being used, 

store in its original packaging. In order to dispose of the packaging and the product, strictly com-

ply with the legal norms of your community.

The use of the orthesis is conditioned to the recommendations of the prescribing doctor, therefore 

it must not be used for any other means than those prescribed.

For the validity of the guarantee, the issuing establishment should comply with this sheet of in-



The material features used in production have been tested and approved and meet all the Euro-

pean quality requirements.

All the products are produced with high quality materials and offer an unbeatable comfort and 

quality of use. All products offer restraint, stability and compression for the optimum treatment of 

the pathologies for which they have been designed.


Stick the velcros to each other (if the orthesis has any), wash periodically by hand with a damp 

cloth and a neutral soap. To dry the orthesis, use a dry towel to absorb most of the dampness and 

leave to dry at room temperature. Do not hang up or iron and do not expose to direct heat sources 

such as stoves, heaters, radiators, direct sun light etc. During use or during washing do not use al-

cohols, ointments or dissolvent liquids. If the orthesis is not properly dried any detergent residues 

could irritate the skin and deteriorate the product.


ORLIMAN, S.L.U. Guarantees all its products, as long as these have not been manipulated or al-

tered from their original state. Does not guarantee those products in which as a result of misuse, 

deficiencies or breakage of any kind, its original state has been altered. If you observe any defi-

ciency or anomaly, communicate this immediately to the establishment from which it was obtained 

in order for it to be changed.

ORLIMAN, S.L.U. Appreciates your choice and wishes you a speedy recovery.

Содержание 3000-C

Страница 1: ...conseguir una retropulsión de hombros tolerable por el paciente Ambos cierres deben de quedar por encima del pubis elevando la pared abdominal En algunos modelos se incluye almohadilla lumbar removible efecto calor y mejor adapta ción lordosis PRECAUCIONES El material constructivo es inflamable No exponga los productos a situaciones que pudieran producir su ignición Si así fuera desprén dase rápid...

Страница 2: ...the shoulders for the patient Both fasteners should be placed above the pubis lifting the abdominal wall In some cases includes a removable lumbar foam cushion heat effect and better adaptation of lordosis PRECAUTIONS The constructive material is inflammable Do not expose these products to situations where they could ignite If this were the case remove them quickly and use the necessary measures t...

Страница 3: ...aroi abdominale Dans quelques modèles un coussinet lombaire en mousse amovible est inclus effet chaleur et une meilleure adaptation des lordoses PRÉCAUTIONS Le matériau de fabrication est inflammable N exposez pas le produit à des situations qui pourraient l enflammer Si tel était le cas dessaisis sez vous en rapidement et utilisez les moyens adéquats pour l éteindre Le matériau employé est hypoal...

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