(Supervisory Radio Units Only)
This feature enables the user to recall the last selected system/group after an
EDACS emergency or home function, a conventional emergency or home
function or system/group key function. This feature must be pre-
programmed as "Enabled" to function. For example, if the Home button
(pre-programmed) is pressed, the radio will go to the designated Home
system/group or channel. If the Home button is pressed again, the radio
returns to the previous system/group or channel. At this time the user can
toggle between the Home system/group or channel and the previous
system/group or channel. The operation is the same for the SG1-SG5
Macro key operation permits the user to accomplish a series of key strokes
with a single "macro" key stroke. Up to ten (10) macro keys can be defined,
each capable of executing up to twenty (20) key strokes, to any pushbutton
input (i.e., keypad keys, buttons, etc.). Each macro key can be pre-
programmed to activate when pressed or when released.
A macro key may also be pre-programmed to change the key stroke
sequence the next time the macro key is activated.
For detail operation and assignment of macro keys, contact your
communications supervisor or administrator.