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Drag left mouse button to region, setup sensitivity at [Sensitivity] bar. Provide 10 sensitivity level, the
higher number the higher sensitivity. Setup the [threshold] Click [Save] to complete configuration.
Notice: You only select 5 regions at most in configuration area including overlap. If user select one
mistakenly, cancel it by clicking left mouse button or click [Delete] to delete total motion detection
User setup minimum interval between two alarms at [Interval] item of [Alarm Interval].
User can select [Alarm Out] to start a series action with alarm.
User call other PTZ device preset function when alarm trigger at [PTZ] item.
User select [Enable E-mail] at [E-mail] item to start the function, user will receive E-mail after motion
detection alarm trigger.
Click [Set E-mail] to turn to SMTP configuration interface. The configuration as below. Select [Snapshot] to
start snapshot FTP.