environmental effects could be picked up by the sensors on a similar level to
that of breathing movements, thus preventing or delaying alarm activation.
To ensure your Babysense7 is operating correctly, you must undertake the
required daily performance test (as set out in this user guide on page 10).
Locating and dealing with environmental disturbances
During testing outlined on page 10, if the alarm does not sound after
20 seconds, eliminate all environmental disturbances by actions
such as changing ventilation (the direction of the airflow of a fan or
air conditioning vent), removing cot mobile, closing windows, and
repositioning the cot etc.
be used for two infants in one cot. Never allow animals
in the cot. Do not operate vaporizer or ventilator directly towards the cot.
In the event of alarm
In the event of alarm commence first aid, and seek the assistance of
emergency services and/or medical advice.
It is strongly advised that every caregiver to your
baby learn how to administer first aid.
False alarms
Isolated cases of false alarms are possible. If this occurs, check if this is
caused by:
• a faulty connection between the sensor pad(s) and the control unit;
• connection of only one sensor pad when your baby can move off the
immediate area;
• connection of two sensor pads far apart from each other when baby is
not crawling yet; or
• failure of the sensor pads to be directly against the mattress.
• The compositions of some mattresses may not conduct vibrations
associated with babies breathing movement and may not be suitable
with Babysense7.
Do not use Babysense7 with a memory foam mattress.
• In case of false alarms, kindly refer to troubleshooting guide.
Please contact Oricom Customer Support team with any product related