ORFLO Technologies Ketchum, ID [email protected] 855-TRY-MOXI www.orflo.com
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Moxi Z – Bluetooth Connectivity Guide
Page 4
Open MoxiChart, verify version and select
either the “Tools | Update Firmware”
menu (for a firmware update) or the
Bluetooth icon for data transfer. (See
arrows in image)
In firmware updater mode, proceed
through the wizard and hit the “connect”
button as normal. MoxiChart Should
automatically connect to the paired
device. Successful pairing will result in
the population of the “Moxi Z Unit
(COMXX)” text (where XX is the COM port
number) in the “Select Device” field. (See
In data transfer mode, successful pairing
is indicated by the pop-‐up of the save
location dialog.