ORFLO Technologies Ketchum, ID [email protected] 855-TRY-MOXI www.orflo.com
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Moxi Z – Bluetooth Connectivity Guide
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Moxi Z -‐Windows XP Bluetooth Connectivity -‐ Introduction
Orflo’s MoxiChart software has been primarily designed to use the Microsoft Bluetooth Stack on
Windows Platforms. However, as the release of the Windows XP platform preceded the release of
the Bluetooth protocol, connecting with devices using XP might require prior device “pairing” in
order for MoxiChart to communicate with the device. The following guide provides general
instructions for establishing a Bluetooth connection with a Moxi Z unit using Windows XP.
Included are a high-‐level overview of the process as well as two specific screenshot workflows for
two different manufacturers drivers. Please note that there are a large number of Bluetooth
adapters from a range of manufacturers. Consequently, the examples provided below might not
match exactly the pairing steps for your device but, rather, should serve as a general reference for
the steps that need to be taken. For more detailed information on setting up a Bluetooth pairing
and serial port connection using your Bluetooth adapter, please refer to the documentation
provided by the manufacturer of your Bluetooth adapter.
Windows XP – Moxi Z Bluetooth Connection Overview:
Download and install the latest MoxiChart from
. Note: Version
4.0.192 or greater is necessary for using this approach to connect on Windows XP.
Install Bluetooth adapter using the manufacturer provided Bluetooth drivers/software.
“Pair” with the Orflo Moxi Z device using the manufacturer installed Bluetooth software:
This is typically accomplished by right mouse button clicking on the Bluetooth icon
on the bottom right corner of the Windows System Tray and selecting “Add
Connection” or “Add Bluetooth Device”
If necessary, enter the pairing code: “0000” (with just the zeros, no quotations)
Establish a serial port connection with the Moxi Z device. This is often performed
automatically by the Bluetooth software or included in the add Bluetooth device
connection wizard.
MoxiChart will automatically connect with the paired Bluetooth device for data transfer or
firmware updates when the user hits the “connect” button.
NOTE: Device pairing will have to be re-‐established after powering down the Moxi Z (i.e.
following a firmware update) or upon rebooting your computer
Windows XP Bluetooth Pairing – Example 1 (HP Driver)
Right-‐mouse-‐button-‐click the Bluetooth
icon in the lower right of the Windows XP
system tray and select “Add a Bluetooth