(04) Monkeyshines
A word with an extra letter scrolls across the top of the screen.
When the extra letter is directly above the monkey’s hand,
press [Enter] or either cursor button to remove it.
(05) Sound Check
An animated vocabulary word is briefly shown, and the word is said.
From the four words shown on the screen, select the word that begins with the
same sound.
(06) Sir Plus
Below the word shown, type in its plural form.
(07) Cap-it
A sentence scrolls across the bottom of the screen.
1. Identify the letters that should be capitalized.
2. When the desired letter is underneath the dropper, press [Enter] or either cursor
button so the magic potion will capitalize the letter.
(08) Phonics Fun
Press letter keys and learn the alphabet.
(09) Mark Me!
A sentence without the correct punctuation mark scrolls across the screen.
Replace the blank with the correct punctuation mark.
Use the keys or the left cursor button to select the proper punctuation mark from
the choices given below the sentence.
(You can make the sentence scroll faster by pressing any key.)