Program A—Days
Program-A lets you schedule selected stations to water on specific days of the
week or to water every 2nd day. Program-A repeats itself continuously in succes-
sive weeks.
Program B—Interval, Odd, Even
Provides two options: One for odd or even day watering and another for an interval
ranging from every day to every 28th day. This feature is designed to meet the
growing needs and restrictions imposed by local governments and to conserve
water. The timer automatically calculates odd and even days (by date) for each
month and makes adjustments for leap years to provide true odd and even
watering. An interval of "1" will water every day, an interval of "2" will water every
other day, and so on.
Start-Time Stacking
The timer has the intelligence to "stack" start times that overlap. If you enter two or
more start times that overlap (in the same or in different programs), the timer will
not activate two stations at the same time. Instead, the timer activates the first
station and then activates the next station(s) in sequence after the first station
finishes its preset watering duration.
The timer will NOT stack to the next calendar day. This prevents the timer from
violating an odd or even day watering schedule.
WTM230052 57194-24 rD 12/13/2002 11:28 AM Page 10