Orbit Reader 20
– User guide
Version 2.10
Orbit Research
Confidential and Proprietary Information
file. The device displays the error message "-- File not found" when no previous
file has been opened or if the file was deleted. Press Select twice to return to the
file you were reading.
13.2 More about Copying and Pasting Files
When copying or pasting a file that results in another file with the same name,
File Manager adds an extension to indicate the new file is a copy. For example: if
you copy book.brf to a folder that already contains book.brf, the new file becomes
book1.brf and the original book.brf remains unchanged.
If the SD card runs out of space before a file operation completes, File Manager
shows, "-- Error copying file xxx" where xxx is the file's
When copying large numbers of files, or large files that can take some time, File
Manager displays progress messages during the copy operation.
If copying a file that takes more than five seconds, File Manager displays, "--
Copying xxx (yy%)" where xxx is the name of the file and yy is the percentage
complete. This percentage is updated at least every 10% of the progress.
For the command keys, go to the
Manager section.
13.3 File Movement Commands
To move to the first file, press Space + Dots 1 2 3. Pressing Space + Dots 1 2 3
moves File Manager selection to the first file in the current folder.
To move to the last file, press Space + Dots 4 5 6. Pressing Space + Dots 4 5 6
moves File Manager selection to the last file in the current folder.
To Incrementally search file list, Type the file name quickly. To find a file quickly,
type the first few letters of the file's name. File Manager highlights the first file
matching the letters you typed.
13.4 File Types
Orbit Reader 20 does not translate or interpret any file. It simply displays the
contents of a file in braille. So, if you put a plain text file onto the SD card, Orbit
Reader 20 displays that file as it was written. Similarly, if you put a BRF file on
the SD card, no matter the language or code, Orbit Reader 20 accurately shows
its contents. To use Word or PDF files, you must first translate them on a desktop
computer, then send the translated file to the SD card.
Braille files may contain any kind of braille, either six or eight-dot, in any
language and for any topic. You create these files on a computer with a
translation software package, such as Duxbury or LibLouis, or you create them in
the Editor on the Orbit Reader 20.