CAH 0850 CAH 1450
In case that you need a copy of the instruction manual,
you can find it in our website:
WARNING: In case of misuse, there is a risk of possible
Important instructions. Retain for future.
If you are going to use the appliance during continuous
or prolonged operation, the ignition switch must be set
in position 1 (minimum heat).
Do not fall asleep while the appliance is working.
When you don't use the appliance, store it as follows:
unplug it, wait it to cool down and fold it. Do not place
objets on when the appliance is stored and folded. Store
it in dry place.
When the appliance is stored, wait to cool it down
before to fold it.
Do not fold the appliance placing objects on it during its
Check the appliance frequently for signs of wear or
damage. If such signs exist or if the appliance has been
improperly used or does not work, return it to the dealer
before reconnecting it.
This product is not designed for medical use in hospitals.
Do not use if wet.
This appliance shouldn't be used by insensitive to heat
persons or other very vulnerable persons who are unable
to react to overheating.