ORBCOMM OG2 Modem Integration Manual
ORBCOMM is in the initial stages of defining the modem functionality required to operate with the
ORBCOMM Generation 2 (OG2) satellite system providing OG2 Messaging Services. The first OG2
satellites will launch in 2013 with OG1 legacy support and in 2014 have OG2 functionality uploaded.
There will be significant differences between OG1 and OG2 such that current OG1 subscriber
communicators herein referred to as “modem” will not be able to use the portion of the OG2
satellites dedicated to OG2 functionality. It is envisioned that the next versions of modems will be
able to seamlessly switch between the two service sets. Initially, however, current users will only
be to use the OG1 functions on the satellite.
It is expected that many of the environmental specifications for OG2 modems will be the same as
OG1 modems. In the interest of providing more information earlier, these requirements have been
omitted from this document.
The purpose of this document is to provide preliminary information on the physical interface of OG2
modem. This document should not be construed as a specification. It is the basis for developing
the ORBCOMM Generation 2 Subscriber Communicator Standards and Specifications. In the
interim, this document can be used for determining
the magnitude of development on the
hardware side.
Amendment of the Commission’s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a Non-voice,
Non-Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service (FCC docket no. 92-76, FCC 93, 47B, released
November 16, 1993)
ORBCOMM Application Amendment and Supplement: File No. 22-DSS-MP90(20)
(submitted December 21, 1993)
U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (vol. 47, Part 25, § 202)
SAE J1455 “Joint SAE/TMC Recommended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment
Design (Heavy Tracks)”
EN 301 832 “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC) for Mobile Earth Stations (MES) providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications
(LBRDC) using satellites in Low Earth Orbits (LEO) operating in frequency bands below 1 GHz”
EN 301 721: “Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonized EN for Mobile Earth Stations
(MES) providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDC) using Low Earth Orbiting (LEO)
satellites operating below 1 GHz covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE