Mbone (Multicast Backbone)
A virtual network for real-time streaming over the
MIB/MIB-II (Management Information Base)
for network management of
TCP/IP-based networks.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
A standard format for sending in-
structions to a musical synthesizer.
MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension)
modifier track
A track in a movie that modifies the data or presentation of other
tracks. For example, a tween track is a modifier track.
mount point
A string used to identify a live stream, which can be a relayed movie
stream, a nonrelayed movie stream, or an MP3 stream. Mount points that describe
live movie streams always end with an .sdp extension.
MOV file
The Apple QuickTime movie file extension used to name both movie redi-
rect files and actual QuickTime media files.
A structure of time-based data that is managed by QuickTime. A QuickTime
movie may contain sound, video, animation, or a combination of data types. A
QuickTime movie contains one or more tracks; each track represents a single data
stream in the movie.
MP2 file
A file format for MPEG-1 Layer 2.
MP3 file
A file format for
MPEG-1 Layer 3.
MP4 file
A file format for
MPEG-1 Layer 2
A popular professional format for compressing and storing and
delivering audio that can achieve transparent ratings at higher bitrates. It is used for
broadcast digital playout systems, broadcast links, satellite audio, background music
delivery, LAN/WAN streaming, and DAB.
MPEG-1 Layer 3
A popular format for compressing audio that does not quite
achieve transparent ratings at any bitrate. It is used for temporary broadcast links,
consumer audio applications, inefficient Internet streaming, and many other places
it really shouldn’t. AAC is designed to replace MPEG-1 Layer 3 (commonly called
A popular format for compressing video and audio used for V-CD. Due to
the poor quality of its video, it was not accepted in many parts of the world. It was
replaced by MPEG-2.
A popular format for compressing video and audio used for DVD-Video,
DBS, and DVB.
An ISO standard based on the QuickTime file format that defines multime-
dia file and compression formats. This is a container format.
MPEG-4 ALS (MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding)
As an extension to MPEG-4 audio,
the amendment, ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/AMD 4, Audio Lossless Coding (ALS) defines
methods for lossless coding. The basic technology for MPEG-4 ALS was developed by
the NUe Group (Fachgebiet Nachrichtenübertragung) at Technical University of Ber-