Oracle Audio Technologies
Note :
Once the final adjustment is completed it is important to validate that part of the the spring is visible
below the plastic spring holder in each tower. This can be done by simply lifting the suspension housing just
enough so you can see the spring coils below the sleeve. If you can see the spring anywhere from almost flush
to up to 4 coils out of the spring holder, the calibration is in a safe range. More than 4 coils visible would indicate
that you are using a spring which is too soft for the location it has been installed. If “NO” part of the spring is
visible below the spring holder this is an indication that the spring in that tower is too strong, we recommend the
use of a softer spring.
Explanation …
As an exemple, if you would use a green spring in the front left suspension tower this spring
would be much too strong for this position … in attempting to make the spring softer to reach the “B” step on the
suspension gauge you would have to thread the spring way up in its threaded holder … most probably to the
point where it would physically pop out from the top of the holder ! Using such a strong spring at a wrong
position and threading it too far up in the spring holder could eventually cause the spring to snap out of the
threaded holder thus potentially causing the whole chassis to collapse which could cause damage to your record
and / or your phono cartridge! … Beware !
Note :
At this time in the set up process of your Oracle Delphi MK VI the drive belt is not installed, there is no
oil yet in the spindle holder and the phono lead is not yet attached to the base of the tone arm. The suspension
system has been precisely calibrated … it is now time to fill the reservoirs with the Silicone damping fluid.
Remove the platter and the sub-chassis and set them safely aside. Handle the sub-chassis with extreme
care to prevent any damage to the phono cartridge. Make sure the a tie wrap is safely holding the arm
tube in the arm rest and the stylus guard is installe …if available.
Retrieve the Silicone damping fluid syringe and fill each reservoir
so the Silicone reaches the center
line inside the reservoirs.
You will obtain the best result by doing this operation in 2 or 3 steps. It is
important not to overfill the reservoirs
Install the sub-chassis back over the suspension towers.