M A S C H I N E N - G E R M A N Y
Version 1.1.3 dated 2016-7-5
Page 30
Original operating instructions
BF46 Vario | BF46TC
Inserting a tool on BF46V
4.4.1 Installation
When milling operations are performed the cone seat must always be fixed to the draw-
in rod. All cone connections with the taper bore of the work spindle without using the
draw-in rod is not allowed for milling operations. The cone connection should be
released by the lateral pressure. Injuries may be caused by parts flying off.
The milling head is equipped with a draw-in rod M16.
Remove the cap.
Clean the seat in the spindle / quill.
Clean the taper of your tool.
Insert the tool in the spindle / quill.
Drilling and milling head
Screw the draw-in bar in the tool.
Tighten the tool with the draw-in rod
and hold the spindle on the counter
bearing by means of a wrench.
Drilling-milling head without cap
4.4.2 Unfitting
Hold the spindle counter bearing with a wrench and loosen the draw-in rod. Continue turn-
ing the draw -in rod, so that the tool is squeezed out from the conical collet.
When using an optional MT4 spindle.
When installing a cold morse taper into a heated-up machine those MT seats tend to
shrink on the morse taper contrary to the quick-releaser tapers.
Draw-in rod
counter bearing