1. Use your fretsaw to cut off a 10mm
and a 20mm piece of the wooden
strip (1) as shown
2. Brush the wooden strip (2) with wood
glue at the narrow side
4. Next brush the 20 mm piece (step 1)
with wood glue.
5. Glue the piece flush to the strips 2+3.
Then glue the 10 mm piece to the
other end as well
6. After that use wood glue to glue the
wooden strip (2) flush to the two pie-
ces and the wooden strip (3) as shown
7. Glue the second wooden strip (3) as
a cover and mark the side with the
20 mm piece. Afterwards mark the
middle of the opposite front side by
dint of diagonals
8. Measure 15 and 50 mm on the
marked side and place a marking on
the cover.
10. Clamp the work-
piece vertically in
a vice as shown
and drill a hole
ø 5mm for the
11. Now clamp the workpi-
ece horizontally in the
vise and drill two holes ø
4mm into the strip. Drill
one at the 15 mm mark
and the other one at the
50mm marking
3. In addition glue the wooden strip
(2) to the other wooden strip (3) as
9. Measure 10mm from the side and
mark the center of the strip on the 15
and 50 mm markings