Alternatively, the miracle tree can also be operated by a 9 V battery.
This requires the resistance as well as the third luster terminal. You
also need a battery clip, that ist not included in this package. For
connection see wiring diagram!
Place the acrylic rod (4) between two pieces of grey cardboard (1mm
thick). Coat the adhesive surfaces of two tree quarters (1) with all
purpose glue and glue them to the rod, so that this is at least 2mm
indented to the tree quarters from below. Let the glue dry well.
100 Ohm
battery 9V
Instructions 116.253
Miracle Tree with LED Lighting and USB
Before the LED - miracle tree is put together, colour it. Adhesive surfaces should not be coated with paint if possible.
Shorten the acrylic glass stick (4) with the fretsaw to 220mm. Clean the saw cut.
Please Note:
Keep the 2mm distance unconditionally as
shown in the top view (right).
Place and glue the tree half with the rod diagonally on the base as
shown. The round rod has to be exactly above the LED! Possibly sup-
port the construction with an angle.