6.3 Making the figures
6.3.1 Cut two pieces (14a) each 150mm long and (14) two pieces each 50mm (14b) from the pipe cleaner (14)
6.3.2 Bend the piece (14a) in the middle and about 10mm from the end lay piece 14b across for the arms and
twist them together as shown. Leave about 30mm for the legs (See diagram)
6.3.3 Insert the top of the pipe cleaner into a wooden ball (12) as a head and then draw in the features on the
face with felt tip pen
6.3.4 Bend the arms forward and glue a wooden ball (13) in between the hands
6.3.5 Using the modelling felt (15) see patterns on page 9 , cut out two circles and two strips . The circles serve
as hats and the strips as scarves
6.4 Final assembly and test
6.4.1 Glue a figure on each end of the see-saw
6.4.2 Glue the support in the middle of the base
6.4.3 Light the candle and check the function
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